Battle Log

Monday 12 March 2018

Posted by Posted 12 March 2018, 5:17 PM by Gordon Jackson. Permalink

Walk up evangelismThe Lord gave each one of us an in-depth conversation near the start of our time at the bus stop. Here are 2 summaries:

     Peter did not believe in God. After listening to the builder/building analogy, he said that made sense. He could believe there is a God. (Later it turned out that he did not want to believe in the God of the Bible.)  In response to the law and gospel, he proclaimed that he did not want anyone to fix his mistakes. Then he was taken through this  analogy: A  man was diagnosed with a deadly illness. He was then told that he had only 2 months to live. There was a very costly medical remedy which he could not afford. However a friend gave his all to raise the money and bought the cure for the dying man. The man left the cure sitting on his shelve for 'some' day.  Likewise Jesus has already done all that is needed to satisfy God's justice on behalf of morally bankrupt sinners. Peter saw the point. His bus arrived. May the Lord break his pride and give him the grace of repentance and faith in Christ alone.

     Mitchell knew the core facts of Jesus death for our sins and His resurrection. Going through the law and gospel to 'prove' that we are hell deserving sinners and only Jesus can save us and bring us to glory, all made sense to him. Meanwhile his workmate was quietly reading the tract. Closing with the Blondin illustration and the need to count the cost as there are difficulties in following Christ, they gave the impression they would check the message out. Pray they do. And if they take my advise to 'ask God to reveal Himself to them as they read His word', may they be wrapped up in His covenantal love - for now and for ever. 

What else did our Lord of Glory do here today. Only He knows all but we know to ascribe all glory to Him. 

View previous Capalaba (QLD) report (5 March 2018)


Capalaba Team (QLD)

Meets 2-5pm every Monday afternoon (except public holidays) at the bus station between the two shopping centres (next to Noeleen Street).

Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.