Battle Log

Friday 12 June 2009

Posted by Posted 22 June 2009, 2:28 PM by David Gee. Permalink

This Friday was very quiet despite a warm night and daylight stretching out until after 9.30pm. I was expecting crowds of people to be out on the town enjoying the brief spat of warmer weather. Not only was the night quiet but also the people were not interested in talk or tracts for the most part.

I worked up and down Barkers pool for a while handing out tracts and getting very little interest which is uncommon for a Friday night. Having done this for a period I stood to preach. I was very nervous as I was on my own, it is something that I find regularly, without the encouragement of others there is a real battle that takes place to get up and preach the gospel. If you are a part of an evangelism team, try to encourage the person who is going to preach next or offer to pray with them. There were a couple of heckles from people passing but most would not stop to engage with me. I stepped down after preaching the gospel to all in ear shot, urging them to repent and turn to Jesus for salvation.

I continued to tract the area for the next half hour and was then planning to go home. As I was leaving I spotted a group of young ladies and was prompted by the Lord to go and speak to them rather than going home immediately. Reluctantly I went (having fallen into the trap of thinking in human terms, i.e. that no-one would respond tonight) and spoke to them giving all of them tracts and asking them if they would get into heaven. From here God generously gave my doubtful heart yet another lesson in trust and faith. The conversation lasted an hour, with the four girls of 15 or 16 listening intently as I spoke of the gospel and all that God has given us to support faith. Naturally speaking there is no logical reason why four 16 year-old's would listen to someone talk about God for an hour on a Friday night. But God was working to soften their hearts and as we spoke my heart was thrilled and refreshed in seeing such openness. I ended our discussion by urging them to trust in Jesus and read the bibles they all had. I left them and headed for my car praising God and praying that He would save them bringing them to a loving relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.


View previous Sheffield report (11 June 2009)