Battle Log

Toowong (QLD) Team

Tuesday, 14 July, 2020

Posted by Posted 14 July 2020, 8:02 PM by Hung Kwan. Permalink

Operation 513 Battle Log for Toowong Village on Tuesday July 14, 2020 from 1330 to 1500

Today was windy and chilling cold but our passion for Christ to be the light and salt of the city were not dimmed an iota bit even I was not at my best with a minor cough. Since we only have three regular members as usual, thus I still felt the urge to join Johnny and Winnie and see how God would lead me. God's grace was really sufficient. I was able to have two full and complete conversations with other minor tasks of tract handing out and short conversation. God knew my situation of having a dried mouth after talking a while as a result of taking Day and night cold tablet, so I was given just two conversations. Both cases showed His sovereign grace as both persons Gary and Rachel the mum had initially declined the invitation of Winnie to stop and chat. I was not aware of that and was moved nevertheless to make an approach yet with success. So our street evangelism work have all along been in direct control of God's hand.

In the mean time, both Johnny and Winnie had numerous opportunities with many mainland China students that normally would reject to talk. But today, God used Johnny and Winnie to touch and reached many Mainland Chinese UQ Students all with very fruitful result.

Winnie had 7 divine appointments of which 4 were with UQ students from mainland China. Others was one from Brazil, and two were local Aussie students. Among them many claimed to be Christians but all do not have assurance of salvation. I spent some time to pull Winnie aside to teach her how to help those nominal Christians to establish their assurance of salvation instead of just asking them to sin no more and ask for forgiveness from God. We must direct them back to establish their trust in Christ and Christ alone for taking our place to receive the hell punishment of our sins, as such we do not need to wait for our own self perfection effort to become a better person first. The deal is done at the moment we repented and received Christ as our saviour that we are reconciled with God right away and be justified as His people. This immediate change of our eternal identity in Christ is crucial to let God start His life re-engineer work through the Holy Spirit to make us perfect and becoming an unique masterpiece of God. During the process, God allows us to make mistakes but learn the lesson by asking God for forgiveness and seeking His strength to stand up from where we fell to sin no more next time.

As for my two divine encounters, they were not less of God's grace and miraculous work.

Gary is a local Aussie UQ student, he initially had a skeptical facial expression to reluctantly let me start our chat but at the end found the gospel message logical, sensible and relevant to his life situation.

Same for Rachael the mum of two lovely kids. She declined Winnie initially perhaps because they were still walking towards the Bus stop. It is not settling for her to talk with two kids running around on the road. I did not see that , so I approached her when they took their seats at the bus stop. Even with initial reluctance because of the distraction minding the kids , God soften her heart to let me share even with herself facing the early afternoon sun. When I noticed this, I used by body to form a shade to protect her eyes which she was grateful about it. Under this kind of interaction, she appear completely receptive to the gospel which she claimed she heard it for the first time. I asked her the checking questions to find that she completely has got the points and was willing to consider to receive Christ may be at a more quiet and private time free from the interruption from the children and after reading the tract again.

感謝讚美主 今天的带领,謝謝關牧師的教導,今天我又上了一課,學到確實得救的確據。求神憐悯今天聽到福音的人士,讓…



第一及第二位都是中国來的男學生,可以與他們講廣東話。第一位講了一半,巴士到逹。第二位,楊明義,願意到UQ 大学的教會,寻求真理。第三位澳洲學生,也是講了一半,巴士到達。希望他們在巴士上看看福音單張。第四位Loren, 中国來的學生,基督徒,不確實得救,沒有返教會。我和她談了很久,她願意重返教會。第五位是基督徒,也是一様未有得救確據,傾談後,願意傳福音给他朋友。第六位是Brizil 來的基督徒,Renee, 願意悔改,傳福音给朋友。第七位是Emily, 中国來的學生,基督徒,她説她很多罪,每周她都返教會,願意悔改,傳福音给朋友,我给她福音單張。


West Country (UK) Team

Saturday, 11 July, 2020

Posted by Posted 14 July 2020, 4:30 AM by Matthew Rolfe. Permalink

On Saturday 11th July Simon, Ed and myself met in the City Centre to start up outreach again since our last one in March due to the Covid 19 restrictions that have unfortunately been placed on all of us. It was a glorious Sunny day and were thankful it was pretty busy with lots of people out shopping and enjoying the weather. We prayed for Gods protection and freedom to speak to people and for fruitful conversations and opportunities. We acknowledged that we could potentially be nervous or apprehensive of what people may say or if the authorities were called from the local shops, but God gave us strength and fortunately encountered no problems.

We spread out to hand out tracts to the many passers by, and managed to hand out quite a few million pound note and good person comic tracts without anyone complaining, making sure we had a big outstretched arm. I managed to 'apprehend' two young lads from a local school that were just out shopping, and managed to start a conversation with them using the intelligence test questions, before reading through the back of the tract I had handed them. They were age around 14 and so were a bit taken aback and listened to the gospel message, but I tried to make the conversation as interactive as possible to keep them interested so it was not just a monologue without them understanding the implications of what I was saying.

They appeared to understand and knew some things about what Christmas and Easter really stood for, and hopefully they could see the link I tried to make between the two, and why they needed a Saviour. I tried to show using different analogies that even though they were only young and had perhaps not committed major crimes or 'big' sins yet, that it was not the size of the sin that mattered, but who our crimes were against, and I believe this helped them acknowledge whey they would be guilty before God. 

They left after around 10 minutes saying they understood what they had heard and what they needed to do, and took some tracts and were pointed to some good websites to learn more about what we had discussed. 

After Simon and Ed and I had been handing out tracts for around 30 minutes, I apprehensively stood up to preach, after having not done so for so long knew I would have lots of doubts and thoughts from the enemy contrary to it, but thankfully managed to preach without amplification on the huge array of things that had happened in our society these past weeks, including why Seagulls scavenging for our food on Looe beach the other day was a picture of humanity running towards sin, and Jefferey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's love of sin, underage sex and money had led them to commit suicide and now be locked up to potentially put many famous names under the bus in what they had done, including Prince Andrew, and how sin leads all of us into wrong situations and never satisfies. 

I also spoke about the apparent incoherence between BLM supporters, and their views on abortion, and how many people standing up for what they thought was right in one area of society, could not be backed up in their views of the killing of innocent lives in the womb, and why certain statues of people were taken down for their crimes in the past, however Charles Darwin and Margaret Sanger statues were still on show for all to see. Four older teenage girls had come to listen when I mentioned abortion,a nd folded their arms in disgust, along with a University student called Joseph. I tried to tell people that with the ever shifting sands of society and the instability of the News and media in what was right in life, people needed to put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was the same yesterday, today and forever, and that although this virus has made people very fearful of death, there was a hope in a real Jesus that historically lived, died and rose again for the forgiveness of sins, no matter what they had done or where they were at, Jesus promised he would give rest to all that came to him in a humble repentant faith.

Unfortunately without amplification and having drunk the last of my water, rather than sound any more like Barry White, we spoke to the people that had been listening. I went to speak with the student who we found was called Joseph, but he was dismissive and so I went on to speak with the four young women while Ed and Simon spoke with him.

The girls were very adamant that the pro choice view was correct and that as a man, I had no right to say that a woman was wrong for getting rid of a 'clump of cells' in the womb, and that rape and underage pregnancy was a legitimate reason for a woman to have an abortion. I tried to show from their point of view that Biblically and Scientifically life starts from conception, a 'fetus' can have a heart beat from six weeks, that over 95% of abortions are due to 'convenience' and the rape argument they used was only a very small percentage, and even then, it ws not the babies fault of how it was conceived, it was still made in the image of God. The girls listened and we exchanged points of view, one girl walked off, the others stayed and I tried to explain the reason we were out that day and shared the gospel with them again. One girl didn't speak and was listening the whole time and they took some tracts and I tried to point them to some good pro life websites for more information, but from their body language and words I believe had already made up their mind their point of view was right.

In the mean time, I went back to listen to the conversation Simon and Ed were having with the University student who was called Joseph, and he immediately stuck out his had to shake mine, and after speaking to Simon had a great change of heart and had a conversation about his Christian upbringing and University life in Plymouth where he now lived as his parents had recently moved to Cyprus! It turns out he had been brought up in a Christian home, would have maybe aid he was a Christian, and at first when listening to me preach had a preconceived idea of what we were doing, but when he listened and understood he was right on board with what we were all doing and was very happy to be given websites and details of what Church we met at and a bit more about why we were out sharing the gospel that day. He was a real encouragement to us all and Simon gave him a gospel DVD that he had produced to watch and hopefully we hear back from him again. 

It was a great day in the end after a slow start, with different people coming to listen and stop at times, others could be seen in the background waiting in the que to McDonalds or Taco Bell listening o our conversations etc. We hope to go out again every 2 weeks and to plan joining up with Josh in Newquay high street which gets very busy, as well as Exeter City Centre which is always seems to have a very positive reception. 

Christchurch (NZ) Team

Sunday, 12 July, 2020

Posted by Posted 12 July 2020, 5:36 PM by Glen Richards. Permalink

Today was outreach Sunday for Redemption Church in Cashel Mall, Christchurch (NZ).  I was told there were over 20 people out sharing the gospel today!  Praise God for that!  Some of the younger ones handed out tracts, while others paired up with mini-flip charts to strike up conversations via walk up, and still more others used large flip charts.

At the beginning, I wanted to show some of the team the new, extended flip chart with its multiple layers of checking questions and great art work.  There was quite a crowd of Christians gathered round in a semicircle.  Early on, a bystander, wondering what was going on, joined the semi-circle and ended up hearing the law and gospel!

We then split up and moved into the harvest field.  It was a warm day for winter, and there were lots of people about.

I was paired up with Chris.  Our first encounter was with a blind man, who had had cancer.  Sadly, he was angry at God because of this.  He was barely giving us his time, so I had to go quick to try to keep him engaged.  With God’s help, I was able to address his objections, and start delivering information this man needed to consider.  Amazingly, I was able to hit on the law, and the gospel at different moments in the exchange.  He moved on with a tract to read.

I then turned around and noticed a group of six teens standing right next to the flip chart I was supposed to be manning.  I approached them and asked if they would like to try the good person test - they were keen!  It was a wonderful conversation where they were engaged enough for me to be able to take them all the way through the presentation (pictured) - including the checking questions.  And then answer some of their objections to boot.  I challenged them to respond to the gospel, not just leave it as intellectual information to store away.

I spent a lot of time during the outreach trying to encourage the team.  It’s so much easier when I’m on my own, or with an experienced team.  But oh, to see more labourers raised up.  I was overjoyed to see Christians growing in their confidence as God gave them success in delivering the gospel!  The extra work for me was so worth it!  Glory to God alone.

Later I paired with Anna.  We spied two ladies across the road, who looked to be in a position to talk - so we decided to approach.  Praise God, they were open to chat.  One was a Christian, the other not.  The gospel was proclaimed while Anna and I sat on the pavement in front of them.

So wonderful to be able to work with the Church in this way.  Well done Redemption Church family!  It’s a pleasure to be a part of you, and serve our Lord next to you.  :)

Melbourne (VIC) Team

Saturday, 4 July, 2020

Posted by Posted 11 July 2020, 6:51 PM by Martin Park. Permalink

On Saturday, the weather forecast reported that there is high chance of rain fall so we have initially decided to do 1 on 1 evangelism but as I was spending time in Starbucks I started to see sunlight in the city instead of thick dark cloud. So, I decided to bring the big flip chart, praise God although there was bit of drizzling we had wonderful chats with many people with different thoughts and background. 

Before we started I had privilege to share a quote in the new book called PROVIDENCE by John Piper, John Piper said "The providence of God is His purposeful sovereignty by which He will be completely successful in the achievement of hIs ultimate goal of the universe". We were greatly encouraged by reminding ourselves of GOD'S providence as God is the one who faithfully works through this unworthy vessels. 

By God's grace, I had numerous interesting encounters. I met a person who was slightly drunk who claimed Himself to be catholic but when his wretchedness were exposed in the light of the law of God he started to get little angry and upset. He started to defend himself that he is not that bad person still so I had to share the gospel with him that Jesus Christ died and rose again for guilty sinners like us because we are NOT good and we are hell deserving people. I pray that when he is sober he will realise his hopeless state in his sin but at the same time see the glorious hope that is in Jesus Christ ! 

From Huy Do:- 

This evangelism showed much grace and providence by the Lord. As the flip chart was set up, we were there for about 20-40 minutes before it started to drizzle. Brother Martin packed up the tables to prevent the tracts from being wet, we actually thought about packing up the flip chart as well, but refrained from it. This was until the man from the evangelism on the 20th of June showed up to interrupt what we were doing. I addressed him accordingly but I had not wanted a big crowd, I rather just addressed him on a personal one to one basis, yet that proved not to be the plan of God. That as I addressed him, even on a one to one basis, people actually stood by to listen to the conversation and eventually the bubble bursted, he got so angry that he grabbed his backpack and pulled out a little megaphone to speak over me.

I saw this and the Lord placed within my mind a godly quickness to immediately seize the opportunity to get up on the soap box and address him. This drew a relatively large crowd, I recall around 10-20 people, but I have to recount if there is a photo. Now the weather was gloomy, it had drizzled, yet people still stood to watch, I praise God because it appeared that we were not in a favorable spot, as gloomy weather is a deterrent, but the Lord had mercy, in His providence He guides us and helps us and provided. I addressed the man, each response with the Gospel of course, until he had to go out for a nicotine hit. I looked and saw a large crowd just standing around, so I just preached to them that they have sinned yet Jesus died for sinners, to save them. This was a huge opening and was seized and the Gospel was preached with great ampleness.

During this, several members of the crowd also asked me “have you also lied, and stolen...etc…” I said “absolutely, yes, I don’t deny that at all”, they said “then why did you tell us this?” I said to them that I go there to tell them of the fact that I’m no different than them, I myself have lied, stolen and done heinous things, hence the only difference is that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that I’m saved by His blood as a free gift. Some didn’t understand so I preached again the message, thus the Gospel was preached more, one lady said “I have no idea what you are saying”, then I said “what is your life?” she was stunned in front of the crowd, then I said “your life is a vapor, you live, you work and you die, and you leave it all behind, and you will face God for your sins, and I’m saying that Jesus died to save sinners, you’re a sinner, so come to Him and be saved”.

I asked, during which, the crowd to examine themselves, test themselves if they’ve lied, stolen...etc… that if they have then God gives them what they deserve, but that Christ died for sinners so that all who come to Him will be forgiven. The Lord placed scriptures upon my mind also that I might say unto the crowd “come unto Me, you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest”. Several people tried to prevent and stop us for the homosexuality issue, but I addressed them accordingly, the police showed up, some people called them because they felt offended, but the police were gracious, I managed to preach the Gospel to them as well, they did not get angry, which I appreciate.

Yet the amazing thing about all of this, was that a young asian man in the crowd had stayed and watched for the entire preaching. Afterwards he came to me to speak to me personally, I don’t know if he is saved or not, he said that he thinks that he has believed, but he feels that it is almost as if he believes and then he still feels like he lives in the world. I don’t know if he is a new Christian struggling with assurance, or if he is a false convert, but explained to him biblical repentance and faith and the fruits that accompany them. Yet the amazing thing was that he said that the day before he had slept and dreamed about Jesus and asked Jesus about repentance and he said that in his dream, Jesus told him to repent and thus he cried (though whether he cried in the dream or woke up crying I didn’t know) and right after that, the next day he runs into us and hears the preaching of the Gospel. I hear these things and I praise God for His providence, the young man’s name is William, do pray for him, that he would come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ if he is not saved, and grow in assurance if he is saved.


Overall, it was joy filled day as gospel went forth !! SOLI DEO GLORIA 


Christchurch (NZ) Team

Friday, 10 July, 2020

Posted by Posted 10 July 2020, 8:02 PM by Glen Richards. Permalink

Today I’ve spent most of my report time writing about a difficult gospel + abortion outreach we had.  So this report is going to be short.

Thursday we were at the bus stops again.  Not many people out, I guess due to school holidays.  I wasn’t able to get into my usual run of gospel conversations.  Yet Andy seemed to be having long conversations: one after the other.  Praise God for that!

Yet I had two highlights:

The first was so shocking, I didn’t know how to react.  I had two Christians approach me to share the gospel with me!  Praise God for that!  They were Uni students who can’t be on campus due to Covid-19 restrictions, and so they were venturing out!

The second was an odd pair of follow up conversations.  I approached a guy who looked vaguely familiar - he smiled and said he had talked to me before in Riccarton.  Him being a satanist, we fell into an interesting conversation when we were interrupted by another guy I’ve talked to before.  It became a three way discussion that, frustratingly, I couldn’t bring any gospel focus to.  The first guy's bus came, and then the second guy's bus came straight after.  Lord willing I will have another opportunity to talk to them again.

On Friday, the sun was shining bright!  After the gospel + abortion outreach, we were in Cathedral Square - it was nice to see lots of people out and about.  And there were lots of Christians around engaging those people in gospel conversations!

Later, a team of five were at the corner of Cashel and Colombo.  Most of my time was dominated by a long conversation with a Muslim girl I had talked to before at Northlands bus stop.  I was on the flip chart sharing the gospel with two people when she walked up and waited - obviously wanting to talk with me.  Sadly, she was as resistant as the last time I talked to her.  And yet, I was encouraged that she wanted to talk again.

Very grateful for all the opportunities God gave us over these two days.  May we continue to grow in our ability to represent Christ well.  And may He, in His grace, use our feeble attempts in the meantime.  Soli Deo Gloria.

West Country (UK) Team

Wednesday, 8 July, 2020

Posted by Posted 9 July 2020, 10:09 PM by Josh Williamson. Permalink

Back into the Open Air!

After several months of lockdown, it was wonderful to once again return to the open air in order to proclaim the Lord Jesus. With the restrictions being eased in England we discovered that Newquay is becoming quite busy; since this is the case we thought it would be a good idea to carry to gospel back into the public arena. In order to ensure that we were operating safely we made sure to wear gloves while handing out tracts, and we also had hand sanitiser on our literature table.

At around 12:30pm we made our way down to the high street of Newquay in order to evangelise. The main tract we used today was Roger Carswell’s “Hope Beyond Coronavirus”, which seems to have been readily received by many in the town.

Upon arrival we started to set up the “Free Bible and Literature” table, but before we could get any material out a man stopped to ask if he could have a Bible. This man said he was interested in Christian things and that he was looking for a church to attend. We were able to share the gospel with him and also invite him to services at Newquay Baptist Church.

Since there were four of us out today, Josh Williamson, Tim, and also Nigel and George from the Faith Mission, we were able to hand out quite a number of tracts and engage in several good conversations. One such conversation was with a man named Patrick. Patrick is the kind of man who loves to talk and who has a story for every occasion. He stopped at the table to see what we were offering so we were able to engage him in a gospel conversation. What was sad is that until today Patrick had never heard of God’s love, or of what Jesus did upon the cross; here is a man who was not young, yet he lived in England and had never heard the gospel - truly this nation needs missions!

As the afternoon went on we decided that it would be good to engage in some open-air preaching, so George, Nigel and I all took turns proclaiming Christ. Every preacher was blessed with people stopping to listen to the good news. Personally, I found it quite wonderful to once again proclaim Jesus in the open-air, after I preached I understood what George Whitefield meant when he said,

“I believe I was never more acceptable to my Master than when I was standing to teach those hearers in the open fields. Some may censure me; but if I thus pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."

I was truly wonderful to be back in the open-air! Please pray for all those we encountered today.


Sunnybank (QLD) Team

Wednesday, 8 July, 2020

Posted by Posted 8 July 2020, 7:45 PM by Hung Kwan. Permalink

Operation 513 Battle Log for Sunnybank on Wednesday July 8, 2020 from 1300 to 1500

Praise and thanks God for yet another consecutive day of grace that four faithful servants were called to turn up to serve at Sunnybank including Johnny, Allen, Col and Hung. Johnny teamed up with Hung on the East side of the pedestrian bridge while Allen teamed up with Col on the West side.

Like yesterday at Toowong, God kept showing us that it was Him who are sovereign to take control of who were to stop and listen to the Gospel with a softened heart. Johnny had more than 10 chats with variety of people including many Chinese Mainlanders. I had 6 significant divine appointments with a few Chinese from Mainland that I used to label them as die hard atheist beyond redemption but God certainly has a different view and plan for some of them. Here is my recap of my conversation with them.

1) Shilba is a Filipino of India origin. She was very receptive to the gospel even though she considers herself embracing pan-animism or ethno-religious faith with also Hinduism in her family history background. She acknowledge the gospel message is logical and sensible but she might need the final push from the Holy Spirit to make her final step of faith to accept Jesus.

2) A grand ma by the name of Huang from mainland China was minding her grand kid waiting for the bus. She appeared very friendly to have a chat. She thought she is a good enough person for heaven but eventually understood that only those who are perfect are qualified and every body in a human society are all sinner susceptible to punishment of eternal death. She felt everybody including herself should need Jesus. The arrival of the bus cut our conversation short, but I pray that God's plan for madam Huang will continue until her salvation plan is finished.黃大媽,帶孫

3) Susan and Christy are twi high school friend. Susan is an ABC while Christy is an ABK. Christy initially was reluctant to stop, but Susan appeared to have been moved by the Spirit to stay with determination. So both of them listen to the sharing of Gospel. Susan was much more impressed than Christy and promised to ponder and pray to God for that final moment of accepting the free gift of eternal life by grace through faith in Christ.

4) A Chinese guys from mainland who was in a hurry, but still allowed me to walk and talk with him. But the attempt to finish the sharing of gospel was interrupted by a phone call.

5) A Christian from India but has no assurance of Salvation. He was also in a rush for work before I can have time to clarify and help him to establish 100% assurance of salvation.

6) An UQ student by the surname of Huang is from Guangzhou China. He did not prepare to stop not to mention a long chat but eventually chat for a long long time over half an hour. He noticed my accent of Mandarin and chose to switch speaking with me in perfect Hong Kong style Cantonese as his father is actually a Hong Kong Citizen. It helped to draw us closer for deep talk apart from the Gospel. I shared also my testimony of salvation and appealed him to response to the guide of the Holy Spirit like I do while living away from home and out of his own comfort zone. (黃廣卅港爸) After my long chat, God moved him to have another chat with Col. Pray that the Will of God be done for Huang.

Christchurch (NZ) Team

Wednesday, 8 July, 2020

Posted by Posted 8 July 2020, 6:03 PM by Glen Richards. Permalink

Still plenty of rain about on Tuesday and Wednesday, but there were enough breaks in it for outreaches to Riccarton and the city to go ahead.

On Tuesday I started with some online outreach before meeting Roger in Riccarton.  I didn’t take any notes, and I talk to so many people online, I just can’t remember any of the specific conversations.  But something in my memory suggests I had a run of open hearted people to talk to (in contrast to Saturday).

But I did take notes when I was in Riccarton.

My first interaction of note was with an older lady.  Her demographic doesn’t normally stop, so I was surprised that she did.  When I asked her what she had to do to go to heaven, she said, “believe the gospel”.  I instantly assumed I was talking to a Christian… but she wasn’t.  She was an ex-mormon who still had “works for salvation” engrained.  Sadly, she didn’t stay for me to explain the true gospel, but she said she would read the “After Life” tract I gave her.

Next I had a lengthy follow up with an elderly lady - a doctor who had been a missionary in Africa (I think I’ve written about her before?).  We discussed justification in depth.

Between conversations I was standing next to my flip chart, when a car came round the corner.  The girl in the passenger seat instantly recognised me, and she tapped on the window a few times.  I smiled, thinking I might know her.  But then she gave me the finger as she went past.  I felt like I’d been punched in the gut, but then I felt honoured that I’m even recognised… and why I’m recognised.  All this happened in a split second.  I have no idea who it is, but I genuinely want the best for her.  (I prayed for her at the revival prayer meeting that evening.)

I then had an intellectual tussle with some vegan’s.  They resisted the clear proof that God exists.  I mentioned a few times that they didn’t have to stay and talk with me - but the guy kept wanting to discuss.  They heard the law and the gospel.  It felt like I didn’t get through, but at the end, the guy shook my hand and thanked me for the discussion.  Maybe he will think about it?  I leave them in the hands of God.

By the end of the outreach the rain was falling, I stuck around, and I’m glad I did as I guy stopped to talk.  It turns out I’ve talked to him twice before - once in the city, and once in Riccarton (about a year ago).  I didn’t remember him (he said he used to have long hair).  He was from Colombia.  He wanted to go through the flip chart again, and was keen to allow me to go in depth - even in the rain!

While this was happening, Roger had a good conversation with a Muslim man from Somalia (pictured).  Roger also had lots of good conversations through the outreach.

Wednesday I was feeling tired and timid.  I was in the city.  To get myself going, I prayed and then I parked myself at the southern entrance to Cathedral Square to hand out tracts.  Within moments I was into a good conversation with two skater girls (school holidays have started).  From then on, I ended up having follow up conversations.

I got home in time to join the Aussie team for online outreach.  I had some great conversations.  A highlight was with two girls from Texas who were trusting in their goodness to get them to heaven, came to grasp the gospel (justification through faith alone in Jesus alone).

And this chat with someone I couldn’t see or hear (but they could hear me), it’s interesting reading their side of the conversation:

Stranger: Hi
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: I think we go to god and god will take care of me
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: You have to be responsible and not do bad stuff
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: No
Stranger: Maybe a brush from my mom though
Stranger: No
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: I would be guilty
Stranger: Hell

Stranger: No one
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Was it evs husband I forgot his name
Stranger: Santa
Stranger: He was hung or nails to the cross
Stranger: I really don’t know
Stranger: Hell
Stranger: Oh heaven yes
Stranger: You have to be responsible and don’t do anything bad
Stranger: Jesus?
Stranger: He died
Stranger: Yes it actually does I’ve never thought about it really
Stranger: Agreed
Stranger: TRUST
Stranger: God
Stranger: Jesus ?
Stranger: He died
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: No but thank you for teaching me this
Stranger: Yes u can it’s ok
Stranger: Heven
Stranger: Beacuse Jesus died for him to cross to heaven
Stranger: I would feel grateful for him risking his life to save me
Stranger: No way I would thank him
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Yes it does
Stranger: Yes me and my mom always go to church but now we can’t beacuse of corona
Stranger: I don’t remember I always read it with my mom but she’s been busy
Stranger: Yes
You: "ESV Bible" in the app store, or at
You: it's free
You: start in John - in the second half of the Bible
Stranger: Ok thank you
Stranger: Low country
Stranger: Catholic I think
You: to find a good church in your area:
Stranger: Thank you really
Stranger: Bye 👋
You have disconnected.

Very grateful for God’s great patience holding so we would have two more days to reach people with the message of his mercy!  Praying for fruit, and that it would glorify Him alone.

Toowong (QLD) Team

Tuesday, 7 July, 2020

Posted by Posted 7 July 2020, 9:00 PM by Hung Kwan. Permalink

Operation 513 Battle Log for Toowong on Tuesday July 7, 2020 from 1330 to 1500

Praise and thank God for yet another sunny and warm winter afternoon good for street evangelism. We prayed to ask God to provide divine encounters to stop people who are ready for Gospel. In a sense, we cannot avoid stereotype labeling strangers that some may tend to avoid gospel like people from Mainland China. But today result proved that God is sovereign to stop two mainland Chinese to listen to Gospel by Winnie and appeared willing to accept Christ after the way of salvation by grace through faith in Christ is explained. So it is always the mission of God to elect and move people to repent and receive Christ. Johnny and I had our opportunities which can be referred to his separated post on Face Book.(*) For me, there were five divine appointments as recap below: -

1) Jean a Scottish old lady who has no religion but surprisingly appeared very receptive to listen my full gospel sharing. At the end, she acknowledged that it is logical and sensible for her to consider to accept Jesu as her personal saviour. Pray that God will move her to make this final step of faith.

2) A Hindu man deemed that as a good man is good enough to go to heaven. I walked with him for a long enough distance to clarify that this is a wrong concept that good person will have better chance than bad guy to escape the eternal death punishment. He could not argue with me that there is no consequence for a good guy but still with imperfections or sin. Pray that God will keep changing his mind to repent and receive Christ.

3) A typical mainlander girl took the tract but then tried to walk as fast as possible to avoid listening the Gospel.

4) J.T. a Fijian young man had great interest to listen to the gospel and declared at the end he is a Christian but without assurance of salvation. He was glad to have it clarified and can now affirm he would have 100% certainty of salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone. Out fo grateful appreciation he took a selfie with me.

5) Patrick a local Aussie young man like J.T is a Christian but no assurance of salvation. After going through the gospel sharing he was completely clarified to regain 100% assurance of salvation. Likewise, he took a selfie with me out of appreciation.

Attached here below is the recap by Winnie for her six divine encounters four of which were with nonbelievers Zag from Myanmar, Terry and Ann from Mainland China and a local Aussie students. All of them indicated they were willing to receive Christ. Two were with a local Aussie Mum, and Rebecca from Singapore who are Christians but without assurance.

感謝讚美主 今天的帶领。可以與人分享基督的愛。

1) Zag 缅甸學生,無宗教,願意回教會 學習多的真理,才信靠主耶稣基督。

2) UQ 本地男學生,講完福音後,他説 他曾犯很多罪,不是好人,我想回答他的問题,但巴士到逹,他趕着上巴士。

3) & 4)Terry & Ann, 中国留学生 Ann 未聞福音,聽完我講的福音後,想到教會寻求多的真理。她上巴士後,Terry 在後面聽着我對Ann 講的福音,很有感動,想我再講多次,他聽完後,願意接受免费禮物,信靠主耶穌基督。

5) 澳洲女士推着 baby , 她説 她是基督徒,她好肯定她會上天堂。不願再聽福音,趕着走。

6),Rebecca, Singapore 來的,基督徒,她説 她都會犯罪,我説禱告,對神講述,認罪悔改,罪得赦免。我問她願意傳福音给其他人嗎?她説可以,於是我给她福音單張。願神憐憫今天聽到福音的人,認罪悔改,回轉歸向神!感謝神!

(*) Sharing by

Johnny Hsieh

下午Operation 513有三人在Toowong 傳福音,感謝天父上帝的帶領和祝福,有許多人停下來聽到了福音,祈求上帝賜福憐憫,讓他們願意悔改並回轉來信靠耶穌成為他們的救主。

Christchurch (NZ) Team

Sunday, 5 July, 2020

Posted by Posted 5 July 2020, 4:36 PM by Glen Richards. Permalink

On Saturday morning we had more rain and cold wind, and so I opted for online outreach rather than heading into Christchurch city.

It was one of those days where you just get a string of difficult conversations.  Most of them were with deeply resistant intellectual types - very tiring mentally.  But the last conversation was quite good - although I have to admit to getting frustrated, the young man just wasn’t getting key concepts, and I had to continue to go back to re explain.  Yet, he heard the gospel, and was quite appreciative of the chat.

On Sunday the weather was quite mild - even warm.  The first day of spring? :)  Andy, Thomas and I headed to Cashel Mall.

Andy seemed to be pretty much constantly talking to people about the gospel or related concepts.  Not using a flip chart - just politely approaching people.  He mentioned that one of the guys he talked to lost his wife in the mosque attack a year ago :(  Our city has some deep wounds.

Thomas also had a number of gospel chats via the flip chart.

My conversations were mainly difficult ones right up till the last conversation, which was really good!

An example of a difficult conversation: two young ladies express interest in trying the good person test, and then just as I was starting, two other young ladies want to be involved.  But there was much resistance.  One of the girls kept insisting she would be innocent if judged by perfection.  Eventually I said, “well, if you are perfect, I can’t help you - I’m here to give good news to people that aren't.”.  She and her friend left.  I asked the last two if they wanted to hear the good news, but they weren’t really interested.  And then one of them said, “oh, actually I take all that back, I think I’d be innocent too”.  Sadly, they left without the good news too. :(

Yet my last conversation of the outreach was with a young man with an Iranian background.  He wasn’t a muslim any more, and he was investigating a local church some of his friends went to.  Yet he didn’t know the gospel and was mildly resistant.  Yet he slowly warmed to the conversation and, after working through checking questions a number of times, came to grasp what the gospel really meant.  I pleaded with this young man to respond to it.  He seemed to appreciate the conversation in the end.  I leave him in the hands of God.

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