Battle Log

Wednesday 3 July 2019

Posted by Posted 3 July 2019, 5:48 PM by Glen Richards. Permalink

On Tuesday, in Riccarton, I had some competition.  Unicef were out in force working to get “sign ups” (pictured).  Apparently they need to get two a day to keep their job.  If I needed to get two converts a day, I would have been fired a long time ago.  Either that, or I would have started compromising the truth of the Gospel and start manipulating people to get “decisions”.  I’m glad I don’t have that pressure.  It’s God who saves, it’s our job to faithfully share His Gospel.

In spite of the competition, I still had a fruitful time of ministry, handing out many Gospel tracts, and having some very timely conversations…

My first was with a political science major from the university.  It was a respectful clash of worldviews.  I succeeded in sharing the law and the Gospel.  And it was wonderful having one of the Unicef team listening in as well.

My last was a heated exchange with a young man and his friends who had gone past me (back and forth) four times during the outreach - not showing any interest.  But eventually his girlfriend decided she wanted to talk, and listened to the Gospel.  This drew him in for the heated exchange - there seemed to be a bitterness towards what I would call hypocrites.  Similar to last week, the outreach went overtime by fifteen minutes as we sparred.  I would love to talk to him again, without the heat.

During the outreach, I had many responses similar to: “all the time”, to my question of: “do you think about the afterlife?”.  I’m finding this a wonderful lead in to conversations.  I even had one lady say: “well, it’s about time I started thinking about it” - and gladly took my tract - thanking me.  She didn’t stay for a chat, so I hope she means it and reads it!

Wednesday (today) was unseasonably warm.  In the morning I was in Cathedral Square.  I didn’t bother setting up my flip chart and used tracts to start conversations.  I had some wonderful conversations with people with Christian backgrounds who weren’t Christians.

The highlight was with a young man who was thinking very seriously about the things of God.  He expressed remorse for his sin (his words), but didn’t think he had repented and trusted Christ for forgiveness yet.  Although he asked good questions around this area.  He is connected to a good local church, although not going regularly.  I encouraged him to read Mark and Romans in the New Testament.  And, with Biblical authority, commanded him to repent and believe the Gospel today - he might not have another!

Before lunch I open air preached.  I was interrupted half way through as I recognised someone walking past whom I ended up talking to one to one.  It turns out he had recently been in a bad car accident and so the discussion about the Gospel was timely!

Once I got back to preaching, I ended up having three people come, sit down, and listen.  I was able to follow up with all three afterwards!

After lunch, I headed to Ara, but it was strangely quiet there - I wonder if the students are on holiday?  But I ended up having a good conversation on my way there.

I moved back to the city, and ended the days outreach in Cathedral Square with a Gospel conversation there.

I’m very encouraged by encountering all the people who are thinking about the afterlife.  Oh that God would raise up preachers (you) to bring the law and the Gospel - and to turn that thinking into conviction and salvation.  All for His glory alone!  Join me.

View previous Christchurch (NZ) report (30 June 2019)


Christchurch (NZ) Team

Weekly outreaches:
Tue 3:30pm - 5:30pm - Riccarton (corner of Riccarton Rd and Rotherham St)
Fri 1:30pm - 3:30pm - City (Bridge of Remembrance)
Sat 11am - 1pm - Riccarton (corner of Riccarton Rd and Rotherham St)
Sun 1:30pm - 3:30pm - City (corner of Colombo St and Cashel St).

Contact Glen Richards or Andy Barlow for more information.