Battle Log

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Posted by Posted 19 June 2024, 6:26 PM by Hung Kwan. Permalink

Battle Log of Operation 513 at Sunnybank on Wednesday June 19th 2024 from 1300-1500

It was yet another Spirit led Street Gospel Outreach with the elected ones chosen to have some long chat with either Johnny and Hung. For instance, Johnny caught up with a lady from Taiwan but he initially mistaken her as an English-speaking person but quickly found out she is from Taiwan but coming to Australia on a working holiday visa. She co-incidentally lives at the home of a Formosa Church Pastor and attended his church every now and then with a lot of questions. Now God led her to meet with Johnny and chatted over 45 minutes of so to clarify all her questions. God is praise worthy to line up such divine appointments for us to work with him. As for me, God gave me urge to approach a First nations Family but we chatted only a short time and the mum and all other family members got on to a bus with the 18years old son left waiting for another bus. Though the mother said her son cannot speak, but I was still led to talk to him with mutually edification result. It was overall a mutually uplifting experience for both the preachers and the receivers.

1) First I was led to approach Young man by the name of Gao? who is from Huzhou in Jie Jiang. He is a UQ student but behaved very politely and appeared to be open for the gospel listening up all gospel sharing in a friendly manner. It was extraordinary to Mainlander students who are caution not to have a chat with us.

2) Then I approached a Filipino lady. She admitted she is a Catholic Christian so while I was trying to test her assurance of salvation but was interrupted by Johnny asking me to talk to a HongKonger.

3) Justin this Hongkonger attended the living water church of the BCAC in West End, He possibly is a new comer, so he was worrying about his church having no pastor to minister as Rev Thomas is leaving. I assured him that the BCAC and Living Water Church must have all plan B to fill the gap before they really can find a replacement.

4) Damon a very handsome cross breed First Nations young man of 18 years old who was waiting for bus to go back to his Tarragindi home. He is a dumb person who could not speak, but there is no sense of self-pity shown in his face. I ended up having an extended long conversation with him using all the hands gestures and body language plus writing on the iPhone. Their family have been urbanized possibly through the lost generation avenue to get educated and upbringing by the Missions as a fair dinkum White Aussie. They have lost their ethnicity link so they do not have any family or clan connection to allow them to return to their home land anymore. But to my surprise, their family and he himself are fair dinkum Christian and is church going. Above all, he passed the assurance test that he has 100 % assurance of salvation that he can finally go to Heaven simply just because of the redemptive work of Christ.

5) The I caught up with a Fijian and Mori girl of Catholic background. She was open to chat but it was a pity her bus came too quickly that I did not have time for testing her assurance of salvation.

6) Next was an Indian boy possibly an Australian born Indian. He is not religiou0s but still open minded to gospel message and took a tract afterwards.

7) Then I was led to talk to another Australian Born Taiwanese. He seems to be an atheist so just listen but show indifference to the gospel message.

8 ) Finally I tried to catch up with another Asian look person. Yet his nationality cannot be determined. He was so shy and his English is too bad for any even elementary conversation. Finally he took a tract out of politeness.

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