The gospel went out at Woodridge again yesterday and there were some good conversations.
The man in this photo I offered a tract to, but he waved his hand indicating 'No I don't want it'. So I asked him a question and he waved his hand again. I thought, "Ok this person doesn't want to hear anything about God." But the man then said, "No English."
So I asked him, "What language do you speak?". He replied, "Persian, Farsi." I knew I had just recently packed some Farsi tracts in my bag, so I pulled one out and he gladly received it. He then began reading it all the way through. Please pray that God would save him.
Here are some more people to pray for from our outreach yesterday:
• Nukki - goes to a Catholic church. He said: "I don't follow the 10 commandments." So after talking about sin and how we deserve Hell, I explained the gospel. He said he would seriously think about the message.
• Sarah - had no assurance of salvation, knew the gospel, encouraged her to read bible and find a good local church.
• Leslie - receptive. After hearing the gospel, he said: "That makes sense" He had never read the Bible before. Gave him a New Testament.
• David - had just come from doctor where he found out he has cancer in his ear. He recognised that death could happen to him at any time, so he was very willing to listen to the message. He said he would think about it.
It is great seeing how God prepares people to hear the message. To God be the glory!
View previous Woodridge (QLD) report (6 January 2015)
Woodridge Team (QLD)
Meets 2-5pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Woodridge train-bus interchange on Station Rd.
Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.