Battle Log

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Posted by Posted 30 January 2015, 5:21 PM by Ryan Hemelaar. Permalink

Sharing the Gospel in Logan CityIt was an interesting day at Woodridge on Tuesday.

There was a lady who came up to me and grabbed the front of my shirt near my neck and said, "God loves me." She was drunk, and her friends had to pull her away.

Then right near the end of the outreach, after all the other team members had left, she returned and at the time I was witnessing to someone. She was yelling things like "Stop talking about God. No one likes God. Go away."

It looked like she wanted to get physically violent again, but her friends were holding her back. So she started pulling out things from a nearby bin and started throwing them at me. I am thankful that she didn't find any glass bottles in the bin.

After ducking for cover, she eventually left and the person I was witnessing to said, "I think I have to go..."

Things like that are to be expected for a Christian, because people hate God, so it shouldn't be a surprise that they will show that hatred towards his followers.

Nevertheless, it was another glorious day where the gospel was proclaimed. There were 4 of us on the team.

Please pray for the following people from the outreach:

• Everston, Ethan, Lethan and Sam. - thought good people, came to profess faith in Christ.

• Elaina - her mum's a Buddhist, initially very stand-offish. Didn't believe in God. After showing her why it makes sense God exists, she was a lot more willing to talk. After talking about sin and the judgement, she was concerned about ending up in Hell, so she wanted to know the way of forgiveness. I explained the gospel, and she was happy to take a gospel of John to read.

To God be the glory for another great outreach!


View previous Woodridge (QLD) report (20 January 2015)


Woodridge Team (QLD)

Meets 2-5pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Woodridge train-bus interchange on Station Rd.

Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.