Battle Log


Melbourne Team (VIC)

Meets every Saturday, with alternating weekly outreach times, either 5:30pm - 8:30pm or 3pm - 6pm. Meet near Starbucks Galleria (385 Bourke St, Melbourne). Join the Melbourne Facebook group here to get the outreach time for this week.

Also we have a practical training outreach each month. Next one will be: Sunday 15th March 2020 4pm-6pm at 385 Bourke St, Melbourne.

Saturday 28 November 2020

Posted by Posted 1 December 2020, 4:06 PM by Martin Park. Permalink

On Saturday, by God's grace, we had 4 laborers. Melbourne team normally meet from 3pm to 6pm but for this Saturday, we outreached from 5:30pm - 8:30pm, Suprisingly, there were lots of people and they were willing to engage in conversation. 

As expected, there were people who were drunk and tipsy as time went on. Many people showed interest in doing 'Good person test' , some laughed at gospel, few believed the gospel and some opposed the gospel but praise God for His faithfulness for giving each one of us strength to boldly proclaim the gospel for His glory and people's salvation. 

I met quite a few couples who were interested in doing Good person test, I remember a tipsy couple, who took the test and the lady was drunk and very honest with her sins as i went through the law.. as i shared the glorious gospel and asked her when she is going to believe that Jesus died she answered "Now" and she answered the checking questions well even her boyfriend seemed very convinced and grasped the idea of justification by faith. please pray for this couple as you are reading this 

There was another couple (in the main photo) who were kind and there were very reactive (also, lots of very cool hand gestures :) ). As I shared the law and the gospel, they came to understand that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and they told me that they are church goers. And through this conversation, they understood the gospel clearly and properly praise God for that !. Funny thing was that, as they realised i was from originally from South Korea, they gave Korean style 'Heart' gesture as you can see in the photo. Overall, What a joy it was !!! 

I also met a married couple who were very kind and gracious in the way they approached me. They showed much interest in doing 'Good Person Test' so as I shared the law, both of them answered honestly to the questions but when I was about to share death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, the lady said "but.. grace" and hinted about Jesus and that point I knew that they were Christians after I did checking questions. They said "This was the best gospel sharing method I have heard so far" and they told me that they attend City on a Hill church !. They gave me great encouragement and appreciation. I pray that this couple will be encouraged to share the gospel where God has place them. 



From Huy Do:- 

This outreach has been tremendously blessed by the Lord, during this day, God has showered me with countless blessings, so much so that I cannot exhaust it in this report alone, I will only then in this report focus on evangelism with the team. The Lord in the past weeks has drawn crowds, but not as many and the crowds that were drawn were rather small, but this week, He has blessed us with much. The first conversation God drew quite a crowd and many came to hear and they understood what was spoken, I beseeched them to repent and believe and they understood that it was a free gift. Yet during it all a man walked passed with his friends and I asked if he wanted to take the test, he was quite reluctant, but decided to talk anyways. I took him through the chart and by the end I asked him “if Jesus pays for all your penalty, then can God let you go?” - he replied “yes”, then I asked “if God lets you go then where do you go” - he replied “heaven”, but the honey is in this, I asked him “when will you trust that Christ alone died for your sins?” - he replied “right now”. Praise the Lord, I asked where he came from and he said that he lived in Bundoora, I curiously followed up and said “that’s where La Trobe University is” - he said that he goes to La Trobe University, the same university I go to. I traded numbers with him and we went on our ways, Praise the Lord for He has provided this man the opportunity to hear the Gospel, but also provided me the opportunity to follow up with him, his name is Ash, please pray for him that his profession is genuine. The next situation came when I preached to some kids who gathered, at first it was just three friends, around 12-14 years of age, they came and heard, but strangely, as I was taking them through the commandments a small group of kids, around 7-10 years of age were drawn and they flocked to the chart to listen. This was strange because of this, there was one particular asian kid, I know not his name, and it is as if he walked across, saw the cross on the chart, fixed his eyes on the chart and flocked with his friend to the chart. Usually when people see the cross, they flock to it to mock it, yet this young man flocked to it to listen and hear. After the conversation with the original 3 young men, this boy asked “so how does one go to hell?” - not out of mockery, but he was genuinely curious. I answered that “you continue on your way and there is where you will go” then replied that “yet if you run to Christ then He can save you”, to my heart’s joys, he replied “how must I run to CHrist?” - I said “believe that He died for your sins”. I asked if he understood, he said that he understood halfway, then I asked if he had a Bible, he didn’t so I ran and took a Bible to give to him and he left. Praise God that He has drawn people, pray for this young man, that he might be saved.



I want to give all the glory to God knowing that it was HE who strengthened and enable us to do evangelise.

We are just unworthy servants that did what was commanded by our gracious King who saved us by Jesus' death and resurrection 


Saturday 4 July 2020

Posted by Posted 11 July 2020, 6:51 PM by Martin Park. Permalink

On Saturday, the weather forecast reported that there is high chance of rain fall so we have initially decided to do 1 on 1 evangelism but as I was spending time in Starbucks I started to see sunlight in the city instead of thick dark cloud. So, I decided to bring the big flip chart, praise God although there was bit of drizzling we had wonderful chats with many people with different thoughts and background. 

Before we started I had privilege to share a quote in the new book called PROVIDENCE by John Piper, John Piper said "The providence of God is His purposeful sovereignty by which He will be completely successful in the achievement of hIs ultimate goal of the universe". We were greatly encouraged by reminding ourselves of GOD'S providence as God is the one who faithfully works through this unworthy vessels. 

By God's grace, I had numerous interesting encounters. I met a person who was slightly drunk who claimed Himself to be catholic but when his wretchedness were exposed in the light of the law of God he started to get little angry and upset. He started to defend himself that he is not that bad person still so I had to share the gospel with him that Jesus Christ died and rose again for guilty sinners like us because we are NOT good and we are hell deserving people. I pray that when he is sober he will realise his hopeless state in his sin but at the same time see the glorious hope that is in Jesus Christ ! 

From Huy Do:- 

This evangelism showed much grace and providence by the Lord. As the flip chart was set up, we were there for about 20-40 minutes before it started to drizzle. Brother Martin packed up the tables to prevent the tracts from being wet, we actually thought about packing up the flip chart as well, but refrained from it. This was until the man from the evangelism on the 20th of June showed up to interrupt what we were doing. I addressed him accordingly but I had not wanted a big crowd, I rather just addressed him on a personal one to one basis, yet that proved not to be the plan of God. That as I addressed him, even on a one to one basis, people actually stood by to listen to the conversation and eventually the bubble bursted, he got so angry that he grabbed his backpack and pulled out a little megaphone to speak over me.

I saw this and the Lord placed within my mind a godly quickness to immediately seize the opportunity to get up on the soap box and address him. This drew a relatively large crowd, I recall around 10-20 people, but I have to recount if there is a photo. Now the weather was gloomy, it had drizzled, yet people still stood to watch, I praise God because it appeared that we were not in a favorable spot, as gloomy weather is a deterrent, but the Lord had mercy, in His providence He guides us and helps us and provided. I addressed the man, each response with the Gospel of course, until he had to go out for a nicotine hit. I looked and saw a large crowd just standing around, so I just preached to them that they have sinned yet Jesus died for sinners, to save them. This was a huge opening and was seized and the Gospel was preached with great ampleness.

During this, several members of the crowd also asked me “have you also lied, and stolen...etc…” I said “absolutely, yes, I don’t deny that at all”, they said “then why did you tell us this?” I said to them that I go there to tell them of the fact that I’m no different than them, I myself have lied, stolen and done heinous things, hence the only difference is that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that I’m saved by His blood as a free gift. Some didn’t understand so I preached again the message, thus the Gospel was preached more, one lady said “I have no idea what you are saying”, then I said “what is your life?” she was stunned in front of the crowd, then I said “your life is a vapor, you live, you work and you die, and you leave it all behind, and you will face God for your sins, and I’m saying that Jesus died to save sinners, you’re a sinner, so come to Him and be saved”.

I asked, during which, the crowd to examine themselves, test themselves if they’ve lied, stolen...etc… that if they have then God gives them what they deserve, but that Christ died for sinners so that all who come to Him will be forgiven. The Lord placed scriptures upon my mind also that I might say unto the crowd “come unto Me, you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest”. Several people tried to prevent and stop us for the homosexuality issue, but I addressed them accordingly, the police showed up, some people called them because they felt offended, but the police were gracious, I managed to preach the Gospel to them as well, they did not get angry, which I appreciate.

Yet the amazing thing about all of this, was that a young asian man in the crowd had stayed and watched for the entire preaching. Afterwards he came to me to speak to me personally, I don’t know if he is saved or not, he said that he thinks that he has believed, but he feels that it is almost as if he believes and then he still feels like he lives in the world. I don’t know if he is a new Christian struggling with assurance, or if he is a false convert, but explained to him biblical repentance and faith and the fruits that accompany them. Yet the amazing thing was that he said that the day before he had slept and dreamed about Jesus and asked Jesus about repentance and he said that in his dream, Jesus told him to repent and thus he cried (though whether he cried in the dream or woke up crying I didn’t know) and right after that, the next day he runs into us and hears the preaching of the Gospel. I hear these things and I praise God for His providence, the young man’s name is William, do pray for him, that he would come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ if he is not saved, and grow in assurance if he is saved.


Overall, it was joy filled day as gospel went forth !! SOLI DEO GLORIA 


Saturday 27 June 2020

Posted by Posted 2 July 2020, 9:34 PM by Martin Park. Permalink

On Saturday, God has faithfully sent 6 labourers. I am always greatly encouraged by these brothers who have great zeal and passion for the gospel. I praise God for sending faithful labourers for His glory and for lost souls. As Victoria's restrictions have become stricter, we have decided to buy whiteboard and write 1.5m social distancing. 

As usual, we have set up 2 flip chart and one table with gospel tracts. By God's grace we had plenty of good encounters and a person who said he will believe in Jesus Christ. 

I encounter couple who graciously gave me chance to do the good persons test with them and as I began to ask them questions, people around them started to show interest and one lady was listening to the chat so I asked her if she wants to join and she said "Okay, you got me" and smiled. I asked ten commandments and as I brought up about how we deserve h*** as God's standard is perfection for us to be innocent and suddenly the lady that joined good person test as she finded interesting in the beginning said "you lost me there" and walked away (please pray for this lady) but other people stayed and I could share the gospel about Jesus being only perfect person, truly man and truly God that became sin for us, died on the cross and rose again from the death so that whoever believes in Jesus Christ will not perish and go to h*** but have forever life. In the middle of the chat one guy questioned the authority of the scripture and I could see that he was not asking that question to heckle me or make fun of Christianity rather with real curiosity so I have explained about the large number of manuscripts of old and new testament and coherency of scripture. I finished the conversation by pleading them to believe as if they die in their sin they will go to h*** and that there is possibility of dying today. please pray with us as you read this report 

I met a guy (I just cannot remember his name..) as I shared the good news of Jesus Christ, by God's amazing grace he said that he wants to believe now that Jesus Christ died and rose again. Praise God for this and I pray that what he said was genuine. I gave him the gospel tract and explained importance of being part of local church. 

From Dave Knight :- 

We did some flip chart ministry in Burke St Mall and Swanston Street. We set up 2 flip charts on opposite corners. A lot of people presented and many great opportunities for the team. A couple of interesting conversations I had are as follows...

A Greek man who said he was Greek Orthodox. We spoke for some time about the good person chart which he went through with me and failed on each question. However he stated that being good was acceptable and that he was always good enough and hardly ever broke any of the 10 commandment we had just looked at. He didn’t need Jesus to die for him because he was “good enough” with his own merits. He agreed that Jesus died for all the bad people but wouldn’t accept that he was one of them. He wouldn’t listen to reason and went away quite sad. 

A woman named Helen came at me saying she was enjoying heaven here on earth. This sounded strange, especially during this Covid 19 pandemic, so I asked her what she meant. She explained that Jesus was already here and we were going through the New Millennium now and everything was peace and fulfilment in this wonderful new and heavenly kingdom. I was I intrigued as to what caused her to think in this way at this difficult time and with what authority. She stated that the new millennium began in 60AD and we are still in it. I explained how it’s nearly 2 thousand years since then so it can’t be the same millennium but she insisted that it didn’t mean a thousand years literally and the peace wasn’t literal and neither was anything else. It all depended on what one saw with their heart’s eyes. I told her she needs to read her Bible a lot more and ask for God’s Spirit of discernment and she will discover the difference between the spiritual and material world and that the Lord would reveal himself through His Holy Spirit in wisdom and truth. She said she never reads the Bible literally and wasn’t interested in its “so-called” truth. On this I said I differed from her and so she headed off. There were a few other conversations but these were two of the interesting ones.

From Huy Do:-

The evangelism on the 27th of Saturday proved not as fiery and intense as the last but still quite blessed. Though last weeks’ evangelism has many listeners and aggressive crowds, this week the Lord has provided many who listened. The first encounter was with a young Jewish lady, she was very resistant to the Gospel, she objected at every point to the preaching of the forgiveness of Christ, and His abundant grace. She referred much to the past wrongdoings people have done to her, in which she demanded that they be punished. I stated that they will be punished by God, for God is just, but that God will not only punish those heinous crimes, but also lying, stealing...etc… I referred to her the story of Corrie Ten Boom, how after ww2, she found her former persecutor, who has found Christ and thus, forgiveness and forgave him. I told her that the point was that if the blood of Christ can cleanse even the sins of Nazis and murderers and thieves, then it can wash away the vilest of sinners. During this, though she was very resistant, a small gathering still took place, where as I observed several onlookers had chimed in where I could see their facial expressions as I preached Christ’s blood being able to wash away the guilty stains of guilty people. I observed one lady who was listening nodded her head and smiled slightly, I know not if she was Christian but only do hope that she had realized the depth of His atonement.

Another encounter that impressed upon my memory was that pertaining to a couple who walked passed us, who stayed to go through the test. I asked them, after taking them through the law “if God is good and you and I are not, where should God send us, heaven or h***?”. To my amazement, I watched as his face turned slightly, indicating a sense of worry or confusion as he replied “I want to go to heaven” I stated “I know you do, but the objective reality still remains, where will God send you? Of course, if God is just, then He should send guilty people to h***”. As I took them through the atonement, that Christ died for sinners and satisfied the wrath of God so that God can forgive and still be just, I watched as the lady slightly lid up her eyes. I remembered that she was wearing a facemask, but I need not see her entire face, only her eyes as they lit up when I told her that the extent of Christ’s death. She said that she was Christian but never really understood what it was all about, even now as I write this, I still do not know if she was Christian, but only pray that the Lord uses this according to His good pleasure, that if she is Christian and never understood the basis of the Gospel, she would now understand and grow in Christ, if she was never a Christian that the Lord convicts her, now that she knows the Gospel, unto salvation. I pray the man would also be regenerated and be saved. I pleaded them to turn to Him and be saved, they took the tracts at the end and went on their way.

The last encounter that impressed greatly on my heart was that of another lady, she went with what appeared to be either her friend or sister, she appeared to be Vietnamese, but I took her through the Gospel in English. The law was taken through, and when the tensioned question arose “how can God forgive and not compromise His justice?” her faced was once again lit up with confusion and a sense in which I could tell that she was thinking, that she did not just sit idly by to hear the presentation, but she actually thought about it. She said that she didn’t know how God could forgive and still be just. As I took her through the Gospel, as the way in which God satisfied His own justice, her eyes once again lit up, she was also wearing a mask, but her eyes lit up as she knows how God could forgive and still be just. I will pray that this would not go in vain, that the Holy Spirit would work her heart unto salvation. I called her to repentance and accept the free gift of forgiveness and everlasting life by faith in Jesus Christ.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Posted by Posted 2 July 2020, 3:36 PM by Martin Park. Permalink

On Saturday, We met in front of H&M as always after short time of fellowship and prayer we set up 2 good person test charts. I thought there would be small group of protesters but there wasn't any. Praise God! 

There were lots of people in the city who were willing to engage in the chat. I remember, group of young girls who confronted me and Huy about what the bible says regarding homosexuality. Those young girls came after they had intense chat with Huy Do so I had to tell them that bible clearly says that homosexuality is a sin and that those who practice homosexuality will go to h***. But I explained further that even lying and committing adultery (looking someone with lust) is a sin so it is not only homosexuality that lead man to h*** but other sins. So, I pleaded to those group of young girls to listen to me very carefully (as they were making noise and did not want to listen to my response rather lashed out their anger against the bible) and I had to tell them earnestly that I do care about their eternity and as a loving person we do not want to lie to them about what the bible says. Then, those teenagers actually became quiet and I could share the gospel with them. Please pray with us as you read this report. 

I spoke to one homeless man that had broad idea about Christianity so I shared about salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. He seemed to understand and agreed with it. He had some genuine questions about Christianity. please pray for the homeless man as you read this report. 


From Huy Do:- 

On Saturday the 20th of June, we set up the flip charts as usual. There were people at first, they came, but it was in relatively small groups. I preached to them using the flip chart, but found that it was with little power, though I perceive they understood the message, I perceive also that I had no power. I prayed the entire time we were there, I just stood and prayed that the Lord would draw those whom He wills to draw, and that we must not trust in the arms of the flesh, for only if He acts then we will prosper, if not, we will fail. I prayed and prayed and prayed until I had a group of young girls came and take the test, in going over the test with them, another group of young girls came, and they were homosexuals, the second group that came had heard the Gospel last week as well, so they came and stood again, but this time, not with passivity to hear the Gospel but in active opposition to it. I addressed their objections, one thing led to another when an old man came and heckled at us, he was extremely angry, accused me of hating homosexuals, and of using scare tactics. I addressed him accordingly until I looked around and saw the biggest crowd I had ever seen, he kept yelling over me until at one point I could not hold it in anymore and preached as loud as I can the grace of God, that Christ Jesus died on the cross to save sinners and fervently called people to repentance, and faith, to receive this free gift of everlasting life in Christ Jesus and be forgiven of all their sins. The crowd was large, but very hostile, nonetheless, I ended with a plea to repent and believe, and offered tracts to all that are willing to come and take it. Some came and took it, but not as many as I had thought. But the work was not in vain, for I would rather have not many come and take it but that those that came and took actually read and were saved by the grace of God, then would have many come to take and they all threw it in the trash can. We also had a table set up with tracts and bibles to give away, but during the preaching one of the girls from the homosexual crowd took it all, to which I presume she threw away, a fellow man even knocked down the flip chart and yelled at me more, afterwards a homosexual girl came and talked to me on a one to one basis and got so angry that she tried to tear up the flip chart. This great opposition to the Gospel of grace and the crowd therefrom shows me that I am on the right track. A fellow laborer, Daniel, took a picture, I had looked at it afterwards and counted more than 40 people were gathered in the crowd to hear the Gospel and many stayed afterwards to hear what further I had to say, and heard more of the Gospel. Furthermore, even after that intense street preaching session, several more smaller crowds were gathered by God’s grace and heard the Gospel. Even afterwards, about 30-35 minutes after that intense encounter, a member of the crowd came and said that he saw how intense it was and left but he actively came back to speak to me and received a tract. Praise God for this evangelism encounter, how He used this poor frail soul to do a mighty work.


All glory to God for amazing work He has done through unworthy servants like us ! 

Saturday 13 June 2020

Posted by Posted 20 June 2020, 11:59 AM by Martin Park. Permalink

On Saturday, the weather was quite warm and constant. By God's faithfulness, we had 5 labourers to share the gospel. 

It was so good to be back to the street again, there was protest in the Bourke st so we had to do one on one evangelism to begin with. We had two new people who joined us for evangelism who were Holly and James it was great to have new people who were passionate about preaching the gospel. Myself, Holly and James went as a team. 

We encountered group of people from Italy who were visiting Australia, when we approached them they graciously allowed us to ask questions about their eternity, as I shared the law they were laughing and chuckling I had 'what happens to you when you die' mini flip chart so it was very handy to share the gospel even more clearly. When gospel was finally shared, some people looked they were interested in this good news but some people kind of laughed and did not take it seriously. I cannot remember all of their names but please pray as you read this report. 

I also met a guy from German who were here in Australia with working holiday visa. I stopped him to share the gospel in the middle of the street but he responded really well and after I shared the gospel he said that he would like to believe in the gospel that Jesus Christ died and rose again. Please pray for him as you read this report. 


From Holly:-

Although I intially had a lot of fear and anxiety leading up to Saturdays evangelism, I was also asking God to remove my fear and give me boldness and allow his holy spirit to speak through me. I prayed for divine appointments, and I feel so blessed in knowing that God answered all of my prayers. The highlight of my experience on Saturday was talking to a young man who was intially quite open and responsive to what I was sharing about Jesus. He shared that he was interested in mediation and hinted to the fact that he had also used drugs to reach a state of transcendence. He acknowledged that each person is looking for purpose and meaning in life (which reminded me of how God has put that yearning in our hearts so that he can fill it with himself) We spoke about religion and how he said that most religions are talking about the same God. Somehow the Lord gave me the words to speak to this guy and share that Christianity was much more than a religion, but a relationship, and that other religions are based on striving and good works, but that God sent Jesus his only beloved son to die in our place so that we would not have to. As we wrapped up our conversation I shared that I would be praying for him, and that if he really wanted to know God, God would reveal himself to him.

It is an honour and privilege to know that the Lord used me in sowing a seed in that man's life, and I am praying that it would fall on good soil and that he would encounter Jesus and accept him into his life.

This is an experience I will never forget, and I was greatly encouraged by my fellow brothers in Christ who faithfully come out each Saturday to spread the gospel, being Jesus' hands and feet and taking up the great Commission. God definitely shows up and moves when we take that step of faith despite our fears, and proves himself faithful and loving.

Monday 8 June 2020

Posted by Posted 20 June 2020, 12:39 PM by Martin Park. Permalink

Melbourne team could not go out on Saturday as I have done the COVID -19 and realised that I have to legally quarantine myself till the result comes out..ha..ha.. but praise God ! I got my test result the next day. And in God's providence, the following Monday was Queen's birthday so we still could go out for street evangelism. 

God faithfully sent 4 labourers, we had many wonderful conversations with 1 on 1 evangelism and also flip chart evangelism. We ended up staying late than normal times as we met brothers and sisters in Christ who wanted to chat with us about evangelism! 

I pray that they will step further from just being encouraged by other Christians sharing gospel to actually sharing gospel themselves for God's glory and people's soul's salvation

From Dave Knight:- 

A lot of people around because of the holiday. We set up the flip chart on the corner of Swanston and Burke streets. After one of the flip chart presentations I had the opportunity of speaking with a young man who said he was an agnostic atheist. His explanation of this was to be somewhere between the two. He talked with me at length for about 40 minutes and at the end I left him my email address. A few days later he sent me an email asking if we could meet for a coffee and chat. I wrote back stating that I would be happy to do that and I’m praying he will respond and we can set up a time and place to meet. Please pray for this young man.

From Huy do: 

This Monday's evangelism proved quite productive. The Lord was gracious to gather crowds after crowds after crowds. I perceive many of the people in the crowds had that realizing facial expression when Christ was preached as the one who satisfied the wrath of God for all those that believe. Many were illuminated as to what God did to forgive and still be just. I ended the encounters with a call which I intend to focus more on, that Christ is a saviour who can save the uttermost of sinners, and will wash away all the sins of those that come to Him by faith that He died for them and rose on their behalf. That He will separate the sins of those that believe as the east is from the West. I praise God that He has illuminated many minds as to the extent of the Gospel and only pray that He will save them.


Saturday 30 May 2020

Posted by Posted 4 June 2020, 8:31 PM by Martin Park. Permalink

On Saturday, It was lovely weather on Saturday and there were quite a few people in the city. God has graciously provided us with 5 laborers to share the gospel together. As there is still COVID-19 restriction we met in front of H&M entrance instead of Starbucks and we started with prayer, praying that God will glorify Himself through this evangelism and that people will believe in death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our hearts were excited as we saw many people in the city. 

Huy Do and Jack paired up and they went to state library area. Troy, Dave and myself stayed in Bourke st to share the gospel. 

My first encounter was with a man who was gentle and quite knowledgeable. He could quote scriptures and argue his point logically (in some ways) with respect. He knew about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ but that he does not believe in Jesus. When I shared about attributes of God such as his justice and love and how Jesus' atonement is necessary for God to forgive sinners without compromising God's justice as God cannot contradict Himself. Furthermore by using ten commandments I was able to reveal how 'bad' people we are according to God's standard and that we deserve nothing but death. He looked bit surprised as he grasp this amazing grace of Gospel how it is the gift of God. He did not say that he will believe but he promised that he will think about it 

I had a privilege to speak to a person who had dutch background, he told me that he is a Christian he knew about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as he heard it before but when his afterlife was questioned he could not answer properly about it or he did not have assurance of salvation. So when I explained about the helpless state of man by using the law and share the glorious gospel about justification by faith, he looked stunned and he smiled brightly. He showed genuine interest and grasp the gospel asking me for website to check out further. Praise God ! for this divine encounter, he was just waiting for his girlfriend outside of the shopping mall and as we were about to end the conversation his girlfriend came so I could share the whole gospel without distraction or him leaving in between. 

From Huy Do:- 

This week’s evangelism proved to be quite eventful. First off, in hearing about the others’ testimony about their encounters, I was deeply moved by God to proclaim the Gospel publicly and loudly. This happened at the state library, whereby i saw a group of protesters, I counted 20 of them, that were protesting and some yelled “free Hong Kong”. I was urged to preach, but I was still scared, I told a fellow laborer Jack, that we will talk one on one first, and then I will preach. After a while, people took the tracts, but no one seemed to be interested in having a talk. So I decided to preach, I was trembling because I hadn’t done this in a while, and prayed, then stood on a high ground and started preaching the Gospel. The moment I started preaching, the entire group of protesters started to look at me and to my surprise, they listened. I said that it is amazing that they were fighting for Hong Kong’s freedom, but stated that I am proclaiming a freedom as well and it is a freedom from death. I told them of how they are enslaved to a thing called death, because they are enslaved to a thing called sin, and that they have sinned in breaking the law of God, I spoke about the justice of God and His grace in Christ, and that Christ offers everlasting life as a free gift, that if they should accept that free gift, they will have everlasting life and be free from the bondage of death. To my amazement, during the preaching a pastor actually heckled me to get me to stop. The pastor and several others actually spoke and stated that this is a political rally for Hong Kong, not a religious one. I replied firstly to the other hecklers that if they contend that this is a mere political rally and that religion ought not be mentioned, then I also have a political statement and that is that “Jesus Christ is king”, I did not hear their replies because I then addressed the pastor. I preached and told him in response to his claim that this is a political rally and thus, that I ought not be preaching Christ the following: “do hongkongers need the Gospel?”, he nodded his head, then I said “that is my point”. I finished up and exhorted them to repent and accept the free gift of everlasting life in Christ by faith and they will be set free from the bondage of sin and death. Praise God for this

The second encounter was with a group of Muslims, they were quite hostile, and they threw around their objections quite a lot but I stood my ground by the grace of God, and answered them. I had to labor with them greatly in order to show to them that the Jesus that they respect is not the Jesus of the Bible. They said that they respected Jesus but only as a prophet, I replied that “as a prophet, He said that He was God”. I had to put my foot on the ground and proclaimed that Jesus said “unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins” and challenged them to give an answer. They kept changing topics, but I asked them again, they said the Bible was corrupted, I stated that if that is so that they only judge the BIble based on the Quran then they don’t believe the Bible. If they only believe Jesus in so far as he conforms with the Quran then they don’t believe Jesus and that they are believing a false Christ and are thus condemned and are going to h***. At one point they tried to get me to agree that Christians and Muslims worship the same god and that if I deny Allah then I deny God, I stated that I reject Allah, they actually tried to get their phone out to slander me that I deny God, to which I stated that I reject the false god of Muhammed, not the God of the Bible. They were very angry and aggressive during the entire thing but the Lord kept my feet planted. Either way, I got the Gospel out pretty early out that considering their sins, they have no way of availing before God, and that Christ died for the ungodly on the cross. They left frustratingly after I have shown them the fallacious nature of their worldview and that they must repent and turn to Christ and trust in Him alone for salvation and everlasting life as a free gift. God helped me greatly to plant my feet and stand firm in the faith, but more importantly, He allowed the Gospel to be proclaimed early on, and not forgotten at the end. By His providence, after the aggressive talk, when I was walking to another location, I actually ran into two of them again and to my surprise, it was actually one of the Muslims who asked my for my number to contact me and talk with me again, to the providence of God, I gave him a tract with my number on it, and he took it. Praise GOD, all was not in vain, He is sovereign.


Overall, God has been so faithful ! ​Soli Deo Gloria ! Let His name be great among nations ! 

Saturday 23 May 2020

Posted by Posted 28 May 2020, 11:48 AM by Martin Park. Permalink

Praise God for 2nd Saturday Outreach after restrictions have been eased!!! 

On Saturday, it was raining and cloudy so we were expecting quite a few people in the city however there were lots of people in the city. God has faithfully allowed 3 laborers for the el on Saturday. By God's grace, I had really good chats with people than usual despite of raining weather, people were willing to stand on the street and engage in conversation. 

I remember two ladies who kindly stopped as they were heading to their destination, when I questioned about their opinion on eternity one of them said "I am Jewish" and that Jews are still waiting for their messiah but it seemed like she did not have much knowledge in Torah. I went through the law and the gospel they look quite surprised and engaged really well in conversation and they asked questions out of genuine curiosity on God's sovereignty such as if God exist why there are sufferings and evil in this world etc. Furthermore, I had a chance to explain Isaiah 53 to them and ask her to think about it as Isaiah 53 is direct prophesy about the messiah who will come and suffer for transgressions of guilty sinners. I honestly cannot remember if one of them said they will believe in Jesus (who was not Jewish) but please pray for those two ladies ! 

I had a privilege to speak to group of people (Around 6 people) from Spain, they seemed quite excited as I approach them with afterlife question. As I started to state the ten commandments they started laughing and admit that they have all the things that I have asked and one of them said very confidently "I am gay", gospel was shared how Jesus Christ died and rose again. There was one word that I knew in Spanish 'pecado' (Which i heard from Paul Washer and remembered ...) which means 'Sin' in english and tried to used that word so that they may grasped the gospel even further, they did not say that they will believe but I pray that as they travel around Australia God will be gracious to them to think about their afterlife and come to faith in Jesus Christ !! 


From Huy Do:-

During this week, I spoke to two Muslim gentlemen, they were quite cordial and willing to converse with us. They agreed on the moral law and by that extension, their shortcomings, this is a wonderful propeller into a Gospel centered conversation. In their acknowledgment of their own sinfulness, I confronted them with a question “what can you do to avail/atone for your sins?” - they gave the answer that they will do good works, go to pilgrimage...etc… in order to pay for their sins. I replied that since they believed the Qu’ran and since the Qu’ran affirmed the validity of the Bible, they must, by necessity agree as well with the truth of scripture that all of their works are filthy rags before a righteous and Holy God because their hearts are sinful. I then progressed again with the previous question “so what can you do?” and they were silent. To which I stated that “you probably do not believe this, but Christ died for the sins of guilty people on the cross, taking the sins of guilty men and satisfied the wrath thereunto, that if you repent and trust that He died for you, you will be saved”. They had some objections, but I praise God that He gave me the correct words to reply and their thinking of what was said. They objected that if God limited His divinity that He wouldn’t be God, I said that it is not so, for God merely took on human form. Regardless, I concluded the following to them, that considering their sinfulness and inability to avail themselves before God of their sins, if Jesus is not God and did not die of the cross, they are going to h***, that either Christ is God and died on the cross, or He is not God and did not die on the cross and they, because of their sins, go to h***. They understood my point and graciously accepted the tracts and documents given them.

Another conversation was wrought earlier to some young ladies, one of them was Greek Orthodox and the other was neutral but the third was quite aggressive. They all agreed to the depths of their sins, and their inability to avail before God. This was when the third lady came in and tried to drag me down a rabbit hole, I briefly addressed her point but proceeded to say that I would like to get back to the main point, and proceeded. I had preached the Gospel that Christ died for sinners, and if they would trust He died for them, they will be forgiven. They listened, I knew they listened because they asked question in response of the proclaimed Gospel, their question was that if salvation was a free gift then “does that mean you do that and then do whatever you want?”. This is always a good sign that they understood the message of the free gift of salvation in Christ, that they asked the question of whether such free gift mean they can live in the world. My reply was that if they truly repented and believed in Christ then their lives will change and they will not live in the same way, they will have new desires. The conversation dragged on a bit more until one of the friends dragged them away, some of them took the tracts as they walked off. Praise God for His mercy and favor upon us, despite our shortcomings



Overall, all the glory to God who enabled us and compelled us by the love of Jesus Christ to share the gospel to many people ! 

Saturday 16 May 2020

Posted by Posted 18 May 2020, 5:10 PM by Martin Park. Permalink

It has been quite a while since I wrote battle log, so praise God !!! for enabling us to go out into the street again to preach and share the glorious gospel. During stage 3 lockdown time in Melbourne by God's grace we were able to share the gospel almost daily basis through OMEGLE, we met various people from different countries from US to Saudi Arabia and surprisingly people were very receptive and welcoming to the gospel than we expected I remember one teenager who lived in Mexico and spoke only spanish so I had to use google translation as fast as I could and share the gospel and the teenager responded well and said He will believe, if i was out in the street this could have been bit harder but through online it was fairly effective. 

Once again, I realise how God is so faithful, He is always working and He makes a way when there seems to be no way. Operation 513 Brisbane, New Zealand and Melbourne teams are planning to meet online regularly as we have seen global impact through this online evangelism. As Ryan (Brisbane leader) have received many encouraging messages from believers and non-believers from different countries and people who have actually started evangelising to people through Omegle after seeing Operation 513 live in Youtube.

There are many things to share what God has done through this lockdown period but if I want to share them I might have to write an essay.. so I will practice self-control from doing that :). 

On Saturday, I was very excited to go out into the city again after about 8 weeks as I held stacks of gospel tracts, started my car to go to the city and seeing this beautiful weather. To my surprise, there were lots of people and.. lots of police officers in the city and I actually thought that it could be hard to practice social distancing properly. Brother Huy Do and I shared scripture and prayed for evangelism as we start. 

We met 4 teenagers who were sitting in front of state library, all 4 of them had different beliefs which was interesting. When we asked about their thoughts on afterlife they laughed and gave different answers which included 'becoming energy, heaven hell, nothing happens etc' there was one guy who professed to be a catholic as well so he believe in hell and heaven. After the laws were shared and questioned they answered very honestly saying that they would go to hell if God judge them according to ten commandments so we shared the gospel and we did checking questions. They have grasped the gospel but did not say that they will believe but please pray for those 4 teenager boys as you read this report. 

We also met one man at the end of outreach who called himself 'freemason' unexpectedly he was quite humble and receptive to the gospel. After the law and gospel was shared he promised to think about it. Please pray for this man as you are reading this report. 

From Huy Do :-

This week’s evangelism went relatively well, it was our first time back after Quarantine, and we took to the streets. God was faithful in providing people by which the Gospel might be shared. I spoke to some Vietnamese young men, they appeared understanding but they were quite apathetic, I ended with a plea that they would repent and trust in Christ for salvation. On another count, I spoke to three young men in front of the state library, I shared with them the Gospel. One amazing thing in this entire talk happened was that as I was laboring with them to show them the magnitude of their sins, the man on the left was arguing and denying and objecting while the man in the center of the three started to rub his head profusely, appearing convicted, I perceive that they were pricked to the heart, then as I continued, the man on the far left, whose name was Diego, said some thing along the lines of “if God punishes good people then He’s not good”. I had to labor with them a little more until I asked “how many times did Adam and Eve sin for God to punish them?” they answered “once”. Then I spoke to them about the Gospel, that Christ bore the sins of and satisfied the full wrath of God for guilty people, and if they should trust that He did so for them, they will be saved, God will wipe their slate clean of all sins, past present and future. At this point, I perceive Diego opened his eyes a little wider, this provoked me to think about Whitefield, how he preached and he could observe people’s faces, their expression that it did something. Pray that they will repent and believe.

Another witnessing conversation happened at the end of the evangelism, I spoke to another group of three gentlemen. One of them, after having been shown their sins before God, stated jokingly “I need to get back to church”. I labored with them in regards to the law a bit more, then showed them the Gospel, that Christ died for sinners, and if they trust He died for them, they will be saved. One of them who jokingly remarked about getting back to church then said “that’s it? Just believe and that’s it? You can live however you want?”. I answered that it is a free gift that they need not toil but receive by faith that what Christ did on the cross was sufficient and was for them, but that if they truly received Him, then their lives will change. Pray they will repent and they will believe, that God would make them say on their tongues “I felt my Lord’s atoning blood, close to my heart applied, me, me He loved, the Son of God, for me, for me He died”.

Overall, it was great Saturday ! by God's grace, Huy Do and I had many great conversations that we could not write it all here. Our prayer is that God will raise more labourers as harvest is plentiful but labourers are few. Soli Deo Gloria.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Posted by Posted 26 March 2020, 10:04 PM by Martin Park. Permalink

It was special Saturday, because by God’s grace we have done LETTER BOX outreach which included Corona Virus Gospel tracts with ‘life is precious’ (Abortion) tracts. God has faithfully called 4 labourers. We decided to go to CLIFTON HILL as it was known as the most unreached suburb in Melbourne. It was such a joy as we prepared together the Corona Virus gospel tract as it required folding.  

We separated into 2 teams so that we can reach as many houses as possible. Personally I was expecting good conversation with people as it was really quiet day due to corona virus hysteria but God has so graciously gave me few really good interactions with group of people. 

As I was putting gospel tracts into the letterbox I could hear upbeat songs played in one of the house and there was group of young adults enjoying the BBQ in their garage, I asked them If I could give them the gospel tract and asked them a question and one of the guy showed interest and allowed me to do so. As I asked “what do you think happens if you die tonight?” and they responded “that is actually really deep question” so I shared the gospel with them taking them through the law and the gospel as I was sharing they had some common objections but they listened really carefully. Ade was the name of the guy who show genuine interest please pray for him and his friends as you are reading this. 

I and Jack met a lady called ‘Imagine’ she was chilling at the back of the street we handed out gospel tract and abortion gospel tract. She told us she does not have standpoint on abortion yet and she promised us to read the tract and think about it. Please pray so that Imagine will repent and put her trust in Jesus Christ and through this let her heart be changed and realise that the baby in the womb regardless of how old they are, they are precious living human being in God’s sight. 

As I was finishing my last letter box I saw a grocery shop that had no people and the owner of the shop was near the entrance so I quickly went in and gently asked her what she thinks about ‘eternity’ and she told me that she is Greek Orthodox and that if she does good things she will go to heaven so I shared the gospel with her it seemed she was surprised and little bit offended but she listened till the end (and even her daughter listened to it) please pray for them !

Lastly, I met old lady in the street and as I questioned her eternity she showed interest but she was really offended with the idea that in God’s standard we are wretched sinful being and she said “ you lost me there” just before she was about to leave I could share the gospel because we are utterly helpless sinful being Jesus Christ came and died for our sins and rose again. 

Please pray for her as you read this 

From Huy Do:-

On this day’s letterbox evangelism, before the evangelism even took off, I handed out the Corona Virus tract along with the abortion tract to a group of young men as they were sitting in MacDonalds. During which, the young man by the name of Noah stood up and came to talk to me and stated that he knows that we are Christians and realize what we were preaching, he was Muslim. Since he is a Muslim, I asked him if he believed in sin? He replied yes. I asked if he had sinned before and went over the commandments, he said that it is true he had sinned. Since he is a Muslim, and since he agreed that he was a sinner, I asked him, what can wash away his sins? I asked him since he was a sinner, what can atone for him and appease the God of the universe that demands perfection? The man said that he will do good deeds such as repent and so forth. I asked if he believed the Qu’ran, and by that extension, the Bible? He said yes. I then stated that the Bible said his righteousness is like filthy rags, so all of his good works are no avail. But though he is a sinner and nothing can wash away his sins, and all his good works are no avail, Christ has died on the cross to offer his perfect righteousness to all those who believe. He was very attentive, he understood the Gospel very well. Please pray for Noah and his friends that they might repent and believe.

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