Did you miss out on the Re-Engage Conference 2016 with Dr. James White (aomin.org), Ps. Jeff Durbin (apologiaradio.com), Dr. David Catchpoole (creation.com) and Dr. Ron Neller (creation.com)? Or did you attend and would love to hear the speakers again? Well, now you can with the conference DVD.
This might also be a nice gift for someone who you think might benefit from the teaching.
Free shipping across Australia if ordered by itself!

Session 1 – Understanding Islam [Part 1] Dr. James R. White
Session 2 - Understanding Islam [Part 2] Dr. James R. White
Session 3 - Why Apologetics? Ps. Jeff Durbin
Session 4 - What About Evolution Dr. Ron Neller
Session 5 - Dealing with the Cults Ps. Jeff Durbin
Session 6 - Creation Evangelism Dr. David Catchpoole
Session 7 - Abortion Ministry Ps. Jeff Durbin
Session 8 - Q and A with Ps. Jeff Durbin and Dr. David Catchpoole
"Re:engage Conference was excellent" - Steve A.
"It was the best conference I have ever been to." - Col W.
"Went to a fantastic Apologetics/Evangelism Conference yesterday with the Youth. Best conference yet #ReEngage16" - Doug E.
