POPULAR! Ever been in a situation where you wished you had a good in-depth, solid gospel tract to give to someone? Perhaps you are at the store and you want something to give the person who served you... or maybe you just want a tract that can be handed out quickly, easily and is loved by all who get one?
If so, then this tract is for you! The 'Are You a Good Person' comic is something that people of all ages will enjoy. These tracts have been field tested the world over and we have found that no matter what culture you are in people love to read comic books.
No matter what age, people group or sex, everyone will love this tract. It is bright, colourful and best of all it contains a very solid gospel message. But, how does one give these out? Just simple ask people if they go their "Free Comic", from there you can leave it with them or engage a person in a gospel conversation.
These tracts are affordable also, at only $5 per pack of 100 tracts!

Why not order some today? They are a convenient size to fit in your pocket or purse, so you can always have your tracts on you. Plus, there is even room on the back to post your own Church contact details!

Item Weight: 0.33 kg