The items in this store are shipped from Brisbane, Australia and can be sent to any location in the world. For both domestic and international shipping, you postage options will be presented to you as you head through the checkout.
Postage costs guide
Express Post
Delivered in one business day if within the Express Post network, otherwise the fastest transport links will be used.

Starts from $10.50 for 2.5kg of items, Australia wide. Exact price will be calculated on checkout.
Regular Shipping
Starts from $9.10 for 2.5kg of items, Australia wide. Exact price will be calculated on checkout.
Free Shipping (Australia wide)
We offer Free Shipping on all orders of $200 or more (plus you'll also get the 3 extra bonus packs of tracts described in detail below).
International Shipping
We also post to Up to anywhere in the world. Your shipping costs will be calculated and displayed to you as you go through the cart checkout process.
Estimated delivery times for Economy AirMail
- New Zealand: 6-14 business days
- Asia/Pacific: 6-18 business days
- USA/Canada/Middle East: 10-20 business days
- UK/Europe/Rest of World: 12-24 business days
If you need a faster AirMail option, please contact us.