Battle Log

Saturday 1 December 2018

Posted by Posted 11 December 2018, 10:30 AM by Matthew Andersen. Permalink

On Saturday night in Brisbane City, there were some markets on in King George Square, this meant that there were hundreds of people around all flowing through the area. With the increased people came the opportunity for more conversations but it also meant that the area was packed as well. One other exciting surprise was a mens group from a local church came out together to see what it is like evangelising on the street is like, so that they can begin to do some in their area. The guys each partnered with another team member and were able to engage in conversation alongside the others.

One conversation early in the night was with Nicholas, he was french and originally presented himself as skeptical but as the conversation went on he seemed less so. He was shown God as Creator and understood that God the Creator expects things of His Creation. He was then shown God's expectations, the law and saw how he had failed. Then he heard the solution, trusting in who Christ is and what He's done. It was encouraging to see him engage and discuss it.

He left in the end with a tract and said he would read it. Please be praying that Nicholas would give up his rebellion and trust in the humble Saviour.

A conversation following this was with two men that are often in the square. Both are from Africa but one is a professing Christian and the other from a man who worships his own ideas of God. The "Christian" didn't know the Gospel and was relying upon his good works to save him. This was worrying to hear but thankfully as Christian's Operation 513 is equipped with the Gospel to share and so this man heard the Gospel clearly. It was explained a number of different ways until he understood it.

Alternatively his friend was stuck in a pride-fueled rebellion against God. He had made up his own ideas and his own god and by no stretch was willing to acknowledge that he was a sinner, that God would punish sin or that Jesus would be able to save him. It was all about him and his ideas.

Sadly the conversation came to a close and he was left with a very serious warning, "Tonight God has offered you an opportunity to hear and heed His message of salvation but at this moment you've chosen to reject it, God may never give you another chance to repent and believe".

A final conversation of the evening was had with David and Bonnie. David had a Muslim background and Bonnie had a Catholic understanding but both had instead subscribed to agnosticism.

The conversation consisted of different points of challenge to their current beliefs. They were challenged on point after point that they raised in rejection of God.

As their questions were answered it was noted that their issue wasn't really an intellectual one rather it was a moral one. They wanted the ability to live how they wanted to live without any accountability. It was pointed out that pretending there is no judge, doesn't get you out of being guilty.

They were left with the good news of Christianity in comparison to the bad news of all other religions. All other religions give you laws and standards you have to follow by adherence to which you will be "good". The issue is that laws can only ever show flaws and faults. All it can do is condemn you and show you where you're guilty. Leaving you helpless.

Where as God's plan is far better than just a world of lost sinners, rather God came into His own Creation to redeem sinners. He came under the law and fulfilled it. He then took the curse of the law for guilty sinners and He offers everyone forgiveness of sin, they must simply repent and believe.

These two seemed to understand it, they took tracts and they headed back off to work.

Please be praying for Bonnie and David that God would use this conversation as a beginning to their right relationship with God one day.

Please also consider joining the team for the Christmas outreaches over the next few weeks, most nights there is an outreach and it is a very easy time to share the Gospel with people!

View previous Brisbane (QLD) report (28 November 2018)


Brisbane Team (Night) (QLD)

Meets Fridays (7-10pm) & Saturdays (6-9pm) & Sundays (7:30-9:30pm) in King George Square.

Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.