Battle Log

Thursday 27 August 2015

Posted by Posted 8 October 2015, 10:03 PM by Matthew Andersen. Permalink

This afternoon at Queen St Mall, it was a generally busy afternoon, with the normal amount of students, workers and tourists around.

What really strikes hard is that most people aren't interested in God, in fact many believe that they don't need Him, that they instead are 'better than that', they have 'evolved' past that primitive thinking but are much more sophisticated in that they know they don't need anyone but themselves.

What makes it even worse is many of them know the lack of satisfaction found in the things of this world, many live purely for the weekend and by Monday of the next week are still craving the satisfaction the weekend can never offer.

But still blinded by their sin many will walk past and brush off any attempts for the Gospel as they have written off God, they can fix their life on their own.

This afternoon, we chatted to a range of different people, one young lady, we talked to had considered eternity a few times, she had considered what might happen but wasn't sure. She was then challenged by the law and realised that she had indeed broken God's law but didn't really want to admit that God must punish her. And because God wasn't going to punish her, she considered that she didn't need Christ and therefore didn't have to surrender to Him as Lord.

Another older woman, who was set in her ways said she knew what she believed and it didn't matter what the bible said, she claimed thay despite her sinfulness, that it didn't really bother her, heaven or hell didn't really matter and she'd find out on the flip side.

A young man, also professed to be not too bad, when challenged with the Law he admitted that his actions should make him guilty before God, sadly his friends pulled him away before he could hear the good news offered in Christ.

There were quite a range that stopped and listened to a whole manner of different preaching from the sketch board to just general Gospel presentations, many stayed and listened for a short while and others stayed for a conversation afterwards.

Please keep all that encountered us in prayer, no matter the depth of their interaction! Please pray that God shall cause a stir in their hearts, that they will be severely convicted even to the point of tears of their sinfulness before God and may this drive them to repentance!

May God be glorified through the salvation of many souls and may He raise up more labourers to help with the preaching of His Gospel, that power of God unto salvation!

Soli Deo Gloria!


View previous Brisbane (QLD) report (19 August 2015)


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