I thank God for my big forehead, it protected my eyes from getting sunburt.
Seriously though today, was super sun shiny, and it meant not too many people were stopping to listen to my pleasantly annoying voice.
Keith Rocheford joined my today, which was a real pleasure, he is a super nice guy and an interesting street preacher. He preached on evolution, that thing that makes believing scientists feel like they have monkey breath.
I got to chat to one of Keith's hecklers. He was a dark-skinned fellow called Mohamed, and yes, you guessed it he was an ex-muslim. He was living life "the sin way" and was mixing relativism into his islamic beliefs and took a few pot shots at Jesus Christ the Son of God along the way during our conversation. I found him a nice chap, a little difficult to pin down but he did go through the whole gospel, with a very full explanation, and even why the Koran is not the book of God. Mohomed gave me his word he would read the bible, so I pray the Lord converts his soul, if it pleases Him. Please pray for William his mate also.
Four young girls in bikini's stopped to listen in our crowd, and I we went through the ten commandments. They quietened down after a while, and accepted bibles and tracts afterwards, which was thrilling!
I had one lady who wanted to know why Christ died, which I was very pleased to answer.
We didn't have a lot of people stop today.. but a lot of open hearts. Which is quite a bit different to the last twelve months of Open Air preaching has seen. I noticed a lady with a smirk on her face as I preached on the big dud (the big bang) and why christians have a rational logical basis for thier belief in Jesus Christ (creation to judgement day, and beyond).. I began preaching on death, and how it would reach all of us one day. I preached on how death could hit us at any minute, in a variety of different ways, and how 350 ppl have died on QLD roads in the year of 2007. I preached that death was the one valid reason we have, for striving to find out the truth about where we came from, so we would be certain what we would meet after death. That lady lost her smirk.
It was a great day. My car was overheating something terribly, but I trust God shall provide my needs.
If you are a christian reading this blog, please pray for the coming few weeks: that God will send labourers and resources into the harvest, just like Jesus commanded us to pray. Your prayers ought not to be in vain.
For the glory of He who said: "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death." For JESUS CHRIST,
This blog typed in by one of Jesus's little servants,
josh mitchell
For other good blogs check out:
Josh Williamson - Brisbane City, and for the next few weeks Europe
David & Anna Gee - Europe
Dan Kent - Redcliffe City
Oh and friends can I leave you with a thought: "Don't worry if evangelising will cost you something, worry if you are in rebellion to Christ's command, get right with Christ, your days are numbered by God. If you die in your sin, then all you have to look forward to is the fiery judgement of an angry God. John 3:38"
View previous Gold Coast (QLD) report (6 January 2008)
Gold Coast Team (QLD)
Meets 7:15-10pm Friday nights at Surfers Paradise on Cavill Avenue.
Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.