Battle Log

Sunday 12 July 2020

Posted by Posted 12 July 2020, 5:36 PM by Glen Richards. Permalink

Today was outreach Sunday for Redemption Church in Cashel Mall, Christchurch (NZ).  I was told there were over 20 people out sharing the gospel today!  Praise God for that!  Some of the younger ones handed out tracts, while others paired up with mini-flip charts to strike up conversations via walk up, and still more others used large flip charts.

At the beginning, I wanted to show some of the team the new, extended flip chart with its multiple layers of checking questions and great art work.  There was quite a crowd of Christians gathered round in a semicircle.  Early on, a bystander, wondering what was going on, joined the semi-circle and ended up hearing the law and gospel!

We then split up and moved into the harvest field.  It was a warm day for winter, and there were lots of people about.

I was paired up with Chris.  Our first encounter was with a blind man, who had had cancer.  Sadly, he was angry at God because of this.  He was barely giving us his time, so I had to go quick to try to keep him engaged.  With God’s help, I was able to address his objections, and start delivering information this man needed to consider.  Amazingly, I was able to hit on the law, and the gospel at different moments in the exchange.  He moved on with a tract to read.

I then turned around and noticed a group of six teens standing right next to the flip chart I was supposed to be manning.  I approached them and asked if they would like to try the good person test - they were keen!  It was a wonderful conversation where they were engaged enough for me to be able to take them all the way through the presentation (pictured) - including the checking questions.  And then answer some of their objections to boot.  I challenged them to respond to the gospel, not just leave it as intellectual information to store away.

I spent a lot of time during the outreach trying to encourage the team.  It’s so much easier when I’m on my own, or with an experienced team.  But oh, to see more labourers raised up.  I was overjoyed to see Christians growing in their confidence as God gave them success in delivering the gospel!  The extra work for me was so worth it!  Glory to God alone.

Later I paired with Anna.  We spied two ladies across the road, who looked to be in a position to talk - so we decided to approach.  Praise God, they were open to chat.  One was a Christian, the other not.  The gospel was proclaimed while Anna and I sat on the pavement in front of them.

So wonderful to be able to work with the Church in this way.  Well done Redemption Church family!  It’s a pleasure to be a part of you, and serve our Lord next to you.  :)

View previous Christchurch (NZ) report (10 July 2020)


Christchurch (NZ) Team

Weekly outreaches:
Tue 3:30pm - 5:30pm - Riccarton (corner of Riccarton Rd and Rotherham St)
Fri 1:30pm - 3:30pm - City (Bridge of Remembrance)
Sat 11am - 1pm - Riccarton (corner of Riccarton Rd and Rotherham St)
Sun 1:30pm - 3:30pm - City (corner of Colombo St and Cashel St).

Contact Glen Richards or Andy Barlow for more information.