It was good to return to Woodridge today after several weeks of Tuesday outreaches elsewhere.
It was a day of strange worldviews.
We had a long chat with a young lady about 18 years old who was adamant that God does not exist. When asked why, she said because she sees things called 'entities' that live in her and communicate messages to her.
Supposedly these 'entities' created the universe. The entities came from two original entities that had no beginning. And apparently there are two classes of them, the politicians and the 'ancient ones' which are the common folk.
I raised the question with her about how she knows these entities are not lying to her. She admitted it was a possibility.
So I decided to go through God's law with her to see if she was a good person. And I must say it is amazing how addressing the conscience works no matter what beliefs a person has.
I then explained the gospel and she plainly said she likes being wicked because it is much easier. I think this is the crux of the issue with anyone who rejects the gospel, a love for sin.
I pleaded with her to consider the message she heard before it was too late, and then find a Bible to read (after she burned her last one). Her name is Jennifer. Please pray for her.
Pray also for Rony, a non-practicing Sikh from India. Didn't believe in God because God didn't answer his prayer of becoming an actor in Bollywood. He was asking me, "How do I know which religion is right?" Explained gospel. Gave him a NT.
Pray also for a 69 year old man we had a long conversation with today. He says he knows he once was a Christian because his pastor once asked him to drive the church bus.
He acknowledges he is not a Christian now and in the conversation he was swearing like a trooper.
He knew he had to find forgiveness but he thought it was by faith and works, namely church going. He said he still had time though because he supposedly knows that Jesus will return in 3 years time and he knows he won't die in the meantime.
Near the end of the conversation he revealed what I think is the real reason why he doesn't want to trust in Christ alone. He said he is looking forward to a particular sin he wants to commit, something to do with a nudist colony.
Please pray that God will convert him soon, especially with his health not being very strong.
But any day when the gospel is proclaimed is a good day. So to God be the glory!
View previous Woodridge (QLD) report (21 October 2014)
Woodridge Team (QLD)
Meets 2-5pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Woodridge train-bus interchange on Station Rd.
Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.