Battle Log

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Posted by Posted 8 October 2015, 10:06 PM by Matthew Andersen. Permalink

A Woodridge station it was a different afternoon yesterday, a lot of the 'usual' people around weren't there, many were off somewhere else, allowing for some new and less known people to hang around.

We started off the afternoon with scattered conversations and few interactions, just with those who were around. 

We talked briefly to some young men sitting on chairs near us but the three of them even though the knew they deserved Hell, they didn't want Christ. Why? Because they wanted to live in sin, one of them literally said "I don't want it, I like what I do at the moment too much". Absolutely heart breaking, that though they have cognitive understanding of the Gospel, they still don't want Christ.

Soon the school children started pouring off the trains. It wasn't long before I was having a conversation with three young men, who professed to be Jehovah's Witnesses. As we talked two of them were bringing up every possible objection to Christ being God.

They bought up many verses and many times said that Jesus is God's son not God. Which got me thinking it was a misunderstanding of what Christians mean when we say Jesus is God. I explained to them I didn't mean they were the same person but Jesus is God the Son, God is God the Father and the Holy Spirit is God the Holy Spirit. Explaining the 3 but 1.

And we discussed things a little more but the two who were very quick to try and pull holes soon left. The middle young man continued to ask questions and continued to listen and at the end of the conversation he said, I understand the Jesus must be God.

We gave him a Gospel of John and encouraged him to read it as many times as he could before next Tuesday were we'd bring him a bible.

We also encountered a few men we occasionally talk to one who claims Christ returned in the first century and another who claims Jesus isn't God. We have talked to these guys many times, please pray that these two men consider Christ and His kingdom and that they may be saved before they have to stand before God.

A late conversation we had was with Krystal and Yasmin, who heard the Gospel but decided that they too wanted to live for themselves, it didn't matter what the consequences were they were just happy to live to gratify the desires of their flesh.

I also had the opportunity to catch up with Richard who I had talked to the week before, last week was the first time he had heard of Jesus Christ and he had started reading his bible, may God continue to change his heart!

Please thank God for those who heard the good news that their hearts may be pierced and their lives changed submitting to Christ as Lord and being Saved by His blood.

Soli Deo Gloria!


View previous Woodridge (QLD) report (26 August 2015)


Woodridge Team (QLD)

Meets 2-5pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Woodridge train-bus interchange on Station Rd.

Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.