Dandenong Team (VIC)
Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm - 8:30pm, in front of Dandenong library. Join the Melbourne Facebook group here to get more information.
Contact Martin Park for more information.
Praise God! for enabling Melbourne team to start Dandenong evangelism, Dandenong outreach was something that I was thinking about it for last 4 months. By God's grace, He has sent us 2 labourers. The weather was quite cold and windy and I was surprised by how there were so less people near Dandenong Library.
However, God graciously allowed me to have good chat with several people near Dandenong outreach despite of cold weather. Surprisingly, no one rejected my approach.. ! and people were all very engaging. I met a person who works in delivery (I am guessing uber eats or door dash) and when I asked him about his view on eternal life, he answer in agnostic point of view so when I shared the law he looked slightly offended as he was realising that I am indirectly making him realise that he is actually not a good person. As expected, he had some objections and after answering his objection, gospel was shared and he seemed to grasp the concept of the gospel. please pray for this gentleman as you read this report.
After Holly arrived, Holly told me that there are more people in Dandenong station (to be honest I was little bit scared to go to Dandenong train station as it was dark and I heard that it is not very safe place to go haha..) on the way to train station we met couple of guys who consider themselves to be Christians but they were putting their confidence on their good deeds and church attendance for their salvation so I had to explain gospel with them and went through checking question to make sure that they understand that it is not about what they do but it is about what Jesus Christ has done and we just need to believe in Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In Dandenong train station, I met a guy (as you can see in the picture) who told me that he sees people who are not real and he wanted to touch me if I was real. However as chat went on, he was quite open to the gospel and he wanted to give me a hug after we have finished our conversation but due to COVID 19 safety I had to reject the offer. please pray for this man as you read this report !!!
From Holly :-
Evangelism. When I hear that wonderful word my heart jumps with joy and gladness yet simultaneously, a sense of nervousness and angst. This week's evangelism was yet just another glimpse of how God can use anybody to speak to anybody about Him. The initial hesitation I felt about witnessing to people in a suburb that is very close to home..and work.. proved to be a wonderful opportunity for me to share the good news with those within my close community, and even a past client whom God allowed to cross my path. Dandenong is such a multicultural suburb and this was reflected through the various conversations I had with people from Sikh, Muslim and Buddhist backgrounds. I must admit I was quite nervous as I am not well-versed with the belief systems that these religions uphold. The wonderful thing is that even with my limited understanding and lack of knowledge about these beliefs, God by the working of His Holy spirit allowed me to share the good news with these people, that we are lost in sin, heading to h***, however God through his son provides us with a way out because of His great love. What intially statrted off as jittery movements and tounge tied words soon changed to a feeling of boldness and Joy as we shared about our amazing saviour. Praise God that He really goes before us and paves the way for his word to be deposited into the lives of those who will listen.
I particularly enjoyed watching the facial expressions of people change as I shared about my own faith journey. It truly is such a humbling and invigorating experience to share the good news with others. God spoke through a donkey, if you have a desire to share, believe that God will honour that and go before you, preparing the hearts of people as you step out in faith and obedience.