On Tuesday at Woodridge, there were a team of six out during the afternoon's outreach. Praise God for raising up labourers and allowing more people to hear the Gospel! The afternoon was filled with some exciting conversations!
An early one was with a young man named Matthew, who knew of Christianity but didn't know the Gospel. He said he hoped he was going to Heaven because of all the good things he has done and because he has tried not to do the wrong things. He was shown that this couldn't be the case, firstly because he had done many wrong things and secondly because good deeds don't remove the history of sin. He understood this and realised the trouble he is in. Then he heard the Gospel and understood it! He said he will have to consider it and took a tract as he hopped on his bus!
Next a conversation with a Muslim lady took place. She was very humble and listened. She would share what she was taught and engage with the challenges placed before her. As the conversation continued she agreed with the criticisms of the proposed method of salvation in Islam.
She saw that it was without justice, that is painted God as a liar and made the promise of Heaven one of selfish gain and full of sin. Instead she was shown that through the Gospel, God is just, sin is punished as God promised and yet the guilty can be pardoned at the expense of Christ. Therefore, Heaven isn't a "reward" for the righteous, allowing them to indulge all their desires but it is a gift for the guilty, with the ultimate gift being with God Himself.
The conversation covered much more but Helua was challenged by what she heard, took a tract and she too said she would consider what was said.
Thirdly there was a conversation with Jay. He at first was hesitant to talk and said, "Are you just trying to get me to come to your Church?" to which the answer was given, "Unless you live in the same suburb, I will probably recommend you to another one. This seemed to appease his fear and what followed was a forty five minute conversation which focused on the Gospel and how a sinner can be made right before God all the while addressing different side questions that were raised.
It was a glorious conversation where God took someone who at first seemed hard and had turned down conversations in previous weeks and instead open his eyes to the truth and beauty of the Gospel!
Thank you for your prayers for the team, week after week! Please keep Matthew, Helua and Jay in your prayers and raise up the team for the next outreach, that God would bring along prepared hearts for them to speak with!
View previous Woodridge (QLD) report (12 March 2019)
Woodridge Team (QLD)
Meets 2-5pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Woodridge train-bus interchange on Station Rd.
Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.