On Tuesday afternoon at Woodridge there was a team of six out again! Praise God for raising up labourers! What a privilege it is to serve God alongside other men and women of the faith as they declare the glories of the gospel to the lost of this world.
The conversations on Tuesday were normal, "Woodridge", with many people of mixed religions. Firstly was with Diana, a lady who once was a Christian but left it because she didn't know much about it and said she was now Buddhist because it sounded cool and she liked it. It turns out that she really didn't know much about Buddhism either but simply wanted to come back to this world and have another go at life because life is fun. She was shown how we know God exists and therefore that Buddhism cannot be the way and as she was shown the law her bus arrived. She took a tract and was encouraged to read it.
Next was a conversation with Liam and Bella, a young couple who were kissing just before they were approached but ironically when asked if they'd ever lusted later at first they said no. Before their bus arrived, these two who at first said they didn't think there was a God, came to acknowledge that there must be one and then after seeing his law saw their guilt. When being posed with the question, "How can your sin be forgiven?" their bus arrived and they were very briefly shown that goodness doesn't take away badness, rather someone must pay. They took tracts and were encouraged to read them.
A lengthier conversation took place with Damo who at first was an atheist but it wasn't long until he rejected that, saw that there was a God and therefore was seeing what God had said. He understood his guilt and that he deserved Hell but even after eight times explaining the gospel in different ways he could not grasp the simple message that to be forgiven one must simply trust in Jesus. He seemed to struggle so much. It wasn't even that he was still trying (like most people) to say, "trust Jesus and do good works", he just didn't seem to grasp how Jesus' death could atone for sin.
There was a level of struggle because of drug use but he didn't seem all that out of it. He did take a tract though, may God use this to cause him to understand the Gospel!
Please be praying for Diana that she would see the folly of chasing things that make her feel nice, rather than that which is true. Please pray for Liam and Bella that they would seek to know how Jesus' death on that cross can make sinners right before God and please pray for Damo that God would enable him to comprehend the gospel and that he would come to trust in Christ alone for for forgiveness!
View previous Woodridge (QLD) report (9 April 2019)
Woodridge Team (QLD)
Meets 2-5pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Woodridge train-bus interchange on Station Rd.
Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.