On Tuesday afternoon at Woodridge the team of five took the time to preach Christ to those who are perishing. The afternoon was quieter than usual, most likely because of the threatening clouds but there was still enough foot traffic to be able to share the gospel with people continually over the afternoon.
It is always sad when the team runs into professing Christians who are trusting in their goodness to gain them entrance into Heaven. This was the case with Eileen who stopped by early in the afternoon. She was trying really hard to show that she was good enough to get into Heaven but was shown God's law clearly as well as a few other things the Bible has to say about human attempts at gaining God's favour. She was shown her inability and was pointed to Christ's ability to save. The gospel and its response was explained but she didn't seem to understand it and her bus arrived. She took a tract and was encouraged to read it.
Next was a conversation with Ally, who was surprisingly open. She had a few ideas of her own but admitted that it was mostly guesses and she really wasn't sure about it all. She was shown God's law and came to understand that sinners deserve Hell and as the questions about Easter weekend and its relevance to Christianity were raised her train arrived and she had to run off. She too took a tract.
An exciting conversation was had with Daniel who once was a JW and had left but for the first time came to understand the gospel and was challenged to trust Christ. He had struggled with religion ever since he had left the JW organisation but seemed positive towards the gospel and said he would have to consider it. The importance of not just putting it off was stressed as none of us know if we have tomorrow. Dan was able to explain back how someone can be forgiven and therefore was encouraged to think about it today.
Among other conversations there was a young man who understood the gospel already and had just recently moved to the area and was encouraged to find a local Church. There was a man who was interested in hearing the gospel so waited till the very last moment before running to his train and a young man who struggled to comprehend the gospel but was happy to take a tract.
The last conversation of the afternoon though was with Mediana. She thought she was good enough to get to Heaven but by the law saw that she had failed and saw the bad news that humanity deserves Hell. She said, "Oh that means we're all headed for Hell," with sadness on her face. The response was given, "Yes, we are. Do you know what God has done so that we don't have to go there?" She wasn't sure but her uber arrived so she had to run off but she took a tract and said she'd read it.
Please be praying for those who heard the bad or good news this afternoon that they would come to Christ, the gracious King, who offers forgiveness purchased by his own life!
View previous Woodridge (QLD) report (16 April 2019)
Woodridge Team (QLD)
Meets 2-5pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Woodridge train-bus interchange on Station Rd.
Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.