What a miracle! My car normally overheats very fast (30mins on a hot day), because of its many problems. Holes in the engine where oil is coming out, radiator leaking, and the list goes on. God kept my car at a normal operating temperature for my two hour drive from Morayfield to Gold Coast. I still can't believe it was anything, but the providence of God. Hallelujah! :)
Since it was raining a LOT, I turned in to Nerang Baptist Church and visited David Lazenby, and also had the pleasure of chatting with Tania Fuesel. Both these nice people used to serve frequently with me on the Gold Coast team, and are now much busier in their local church. It is sad to not see them reguarly, or to have thier service, but while evangelism goes in, a church has other roles that MUST be carried out. After a lovely get together, we parted company, and I drove to Surfers Paradise.
I had about 45 minutes to hand out tracts and chat to people, since I had no soldiers to team up with me for Open Air. I walked the area, handing out about twenty tracts, thankfully with next to no rejections :)
Then I met Dale. Dale is a skinny kiwi (islander/maori?), who is now a mormon of 12 months. We had a good chat, he didn't want to do the good test, but we discussed the gospel, and by God's grace was able to explain to him the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and give him some pointers to identify what the mormon church was. He took the CARM web address, and two tracts with my email. Lord willing I will get an email from him, if God converts him and pulls him out of that religion. Dale has a family and he has a born-again brother who must have been praying for him, like mad!
I got to hand out some more tracts, and then I had to head home.
Please pray for soldiers for the Surfers Paradise area, limited resources at the moment, but we press in anyway for our God is great, he has commanded we preach the gospel to every creature, and if God be for us, who can be against us! :)
View previous Gold Coast (QLD) report (13 January 2008)
Gold Coast Team (QLD)
Meets 7:15-10pm Friday nights at Surfers Paradise on Cavill Avenue.
Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.