Battle Log

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Posted by Posted 12 April 2023, 6:53 PM by Hung Kwan. Permalink

Battle Log of Operation 513 at Sunnybank on Wednesday 12/4/2023 from 1300-1500

Praise be to God I had Gary joining me to day while Amy is on leave with her kids in Coffs Harbour friend's farm. As usual, Gary brough along a big sign to promote the online evangelism by Ryan.

Gary met his first target who voluntarily asked to take photo with us before the sign. Actually, we found out later he may be a person with mental issues and does not speak English as such he mistook the sign as some advertisement sign board. Gary anyway took the chance to share him the gospel and handed him a tract. As for me, I was moved to approach more Chinese mainlander than usual and it proved that God is changing their heart and most of them are better prepared to receive the gospel. The last I met is actually a Christian girl from Liaoning Shenyang but of Korean blood. Her father is a pastor of the house church as such she has the perfect understanding of gospel evidenced by her 100% assurance of salvation. And she also was open to taking a selfie with me. Reap below is the Battle Log of Hung.

1) I was first moved and led to approach a middle-aged Chinese lady with her son from Hubei ??Wuhan??. she has been in Australia over 10 years as such she and family have escaped the torture of locked down of Wuhan. Thus, they have come to their sense to be more open minded to the truth they can access in the free world than continuing to listen to the party's line of propaganda. She really has not heard of gospel before but appeared very receptive to the gospel message and promised to read the tract at home.

2) Then I moved on to connect with a girl from Bangladesh sitting net to us. She was also very opened to the gospel but the bus cut our conversation short.

3) Then I moved on to approach a young girl of 19-year-old from Tianjin??. She has ust arrived for a couple of weeks for study. Again, she was very opened to the gospel but an incoming call from her mother cut short our conversation.

4) Next I took turn to approach a non-Chinese which so happened is Ahmad from Indonesia. He came for Taffe study and he is obviously of Muslim background but again was opened to the gospel. He was happy to take a tract to revise on the message I shared with him and finally, he was also willing to take a selfie with me.

5) Then I caught up with a man from Jie Jiang ?? Hangzhou?? for a brief chat ?? before his quick arriving bus.

6) Then I bumped into a matured youngster from North Eastern China Shenyang. He quickly told me he has a bible at hoe and he has read a lot of the Bible as such he may cross check what I said with what he read from the bible. I did not rebuked him that as a non-believer, he would not be able to fully and correctly understand the Bible. So I chose to share with him some Bible key doctrine from bible verses he might have read. I use Gen 3:15 to illustrate the dual Kingdom and Salvation Project set up as a blue print of His mission in the fallen world planning to send Jesus to come to die on the cross for repaying the debt of sin on our behalf but three days he rose from death to signify that Jesus has conquer the power of death and defeated Satan to set us free from the bondage of sin controlled by Satan. It helped to give him the awareness that his understanding of the Bible was far from completer and correct and hopefully, he will be moved to accept Christ first and let the Spirit to take full control of his heart.

7) Then I approached a Filipino lady of Chinese and Vietnamese blood who is a Christian explaining to her the difference between Catholicism and Protestant Christ. She was thankful for my sharing.

8 ) The last I met is actually a Christian girl ? from Liaoning ?? Shenyang ?? but of Korean blood. Her father is a pastor ????of the house church ????as such she has the perfect understanding of gospel evidenced by her 100% assurance of salvation. And she also was open to taking a selfie with me. She is more akin to Korean culture as such she is attending Korean Church in the CBD.

View previous Sunnybank (QLD) report (5 April 2023)


Sunnybank Team (QLD)

Meets 1-3pm Wednesday afternoons at the Sunnybank bus stop on Mains Road.

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