Battle Log

Tuesday 14 January 2025

Posted by Posted 15 January 2025, 6:02 PM by Hung Kwan. Permalink

Battle Log of Operation 513 at Toowong on Tuesday January 14, 2025 from 1230-1400

It was over joy to have four people turning up today at Toowong, i.e. Johnny, Rev Ding Hwa Jen, Ann Yeo and Hung. We jokingly thanks God for doubling or gospel outreach force from 2 to 4.

It is a privilege to have met Rev Ding and teamed up with Rev Ding to be on mission with God for street gospel outreach at Toowong. him. The powerful work of God on Rev Ding through the divine election of the Holy Spirit was a clear sign of God grace to use him on his first debut of Street Outreach as His great ambassador for the gospel in action.

We can see clearly that despite I might have chatted with that guy of Chinese and Korean mixed blood three times before, I never was able to find this out but just kept sharing gospel with him to an extent, it was initially used as an excuse to decline the 4th approach by Rev Ding to him. But see how subtle was the omniscience God using Rev Ding to have discovered his identity as a Chinese and Korean cross breed like Rev Ding himself, as well as his son, that this guy could not deny it was really God at work to match them up for gospel sharing. I could see God used all this miracle after miracle to move and call Rev Ding to give it a go for engaging in street outreach like God has called Johnny, Edwin and me to do.

Recap below is the Battle Log of Hung:

1) UQ Student Chen from Shanghai, welly connected because of my adventurous travel experience in the early 1973 to Shanghai. The work of the Holy Spirit was obvious to open him up to become more receptive to the gospel message, especially the fact that no one is perfect and we all need a savior to help cleanse our sin for reconciling with God.

2) Next was a Brazilian girl once studied at Griffith but now graduated and earned PR by finding a job here. She is non-religious, but appeared receptive to the Gospel Message.

India tract only

3) Then I connected with a local Aussie but studying Philosophy and is now doing a PhD degree on Hegel, same as the specialty of my 2nd elder Brother. He also appeared very open and receptive and cannot deny a bit of the logic I put forth to prove that no one is perfect and we all need an external agent to help making us perfect in terms of sin free record. Pray that he will submit to the Spirit and lay down his rational mind to accept the faith by grace.

4)Then I was led to connect with another Mainlander from Henan which I use Sanmenxia , one of the Orphanage project in Henan to build rapport with him to explain the issue that being a good person with lot of charity work still will not help a bit for us to earn the admission to Heaven.

5) Then I was lewd to approach an Indian woman, she heard of William Carey, though still not yet a Christian. Time also ran out for me to carry on with the gospel sharing conversation so a tract at the end was given.

6) Last but not the least, I connect with yet another cross bleed lady with parents from Australia and Philippine. She also is not yet a believer and I was just able to share her the nutshell of the gospel.

View previous Toowong (QLD) report (7 January 2025)


Toowong Team (QLD)

Meets 1:30-3pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Toowong train station on the 2nd floor and splits into two teams, one at the main entrance of Toowong Tower on Sherwood Road, another at the foot of the pedestrian bridge across Benson Street.

Contact Johnny Hsieh for more information.