Toowong Team (QLD)
Meets 1:30-3pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Toowong train station on the 2nd floor and splits into two teams, one at the main entrance of Toowong Tower on Sherwood Road, another at the foot of the pedestrian bridge across Benson Street.
Contact Johnny Hsieh for more information.
Battle Log of Operation 513 at Toowong on Tuesday Feb 4, 2025 from 1230-15400
You may wonder how come only two pictures were taken? and posted! Yes it is. Because I forgot to bring my only iPhone as such I asked Johnny my forever gospel outreach team mates to take the opening photo after the opening prayer. And the other was a picture he took for me.
in Hind sight, the all knowing God knew that I only needed to two people today, one Indian born man who came to Australia at the age of 4 years old, so his ethnic identity is more local Aussie that Indian. we shared briefly before his bus arrived in 2 minutes. Then next, there were very few people and most of them were Chinese so I let Johnny to chat to them in Mandarin. My chance came at last with Ahmed, a man from Djibouti (east of Ethopia). He claimed himself a Catholic Christian, but with very heavy pro-Muslim and Anti Christ background. So his faith system is very mixed and uncleared. It also explained why he really has spent many times to read the Bible and other religious writing with a view to find an unified sete of faith believe. God actually let us met over 1 years ago here, and he still remember me despite I could not be sure who he was. His understanding of the Bible is very biased often time reading it out of context and without a big pictures. He even accused Jesus also have sin and his example was Jesus explicitly reject to help a Canaan woman in Phoenicia. I explained patiently with him that it was actually a tactic of Jesus to use initial rejection to test and train His disciple if their attitude toward outreaching and relating to gentile for gospel has been firmly changed. In effect, all the disciples failed the test and thought Jesus now was doing the right thing as per the ritual law of Jewish people to keep gentile out of their reach in their life. So Jesus at the end still entertain the request of the Canaan woman to heal her daughter as he had done these many times before to all sort of gentile people.
It ended up like a religious education class for me to answer all the query of Ahmed, which hopefully many have changed the mindset of Ahmed to look at the Bible in a oneness unison manner. If it was not Johnny calling me to leave when time was up, Ahmed and I may go on much longer. His seriousness to seek the truth is adorable though obviously he lacks the real salvation of Jesus so that there is still no indwelling of the Holy Spirit in his heart to guide and enlighten him to understand the Bible correctly.
God is praise worthy to reconnect me with Ahmed for such meaningful apologetic conversation.
Battle Log of Operation 513 at Sunnybank on Wednesday January 28, 2025 from 1300-1500
Today is Chinese New Year Eve so, a time stamp to close another chapter of our life on mission with God year in year out. It was still a very hot day of high noon with scorching heat near and around the Toowong Bus Stop. People tended to high behind the covered booth under the shade.
I got to Toowong bus stop a bit later than usual as I have to deliver stuff to the Toowong Baptist Church ready for their meeting tomorrow that I am not available to attend. But when I arrived by myself (all others are not available to day because of the Chinese New Year Eve family reunion affair) the bus stop was empty except with one lady sitting on the bench under the scorching sunshine. It was apparently a divine appointment as my chat with Lawrence an Australian Born Sri Lankan lasted over half an hour which is too unusual. She is a QUT student as such she was taking a bus to go home, not to UQ, that could explain that route may be not a frequent one compare to those heading for UQ. She is non religious but is very open minded, friendly and polite in conducting interactive talk with me. She like majority of the good persons, have not thought of the consequence of being good but imperfect in her human character. The gospel message does present to her an one of a kind rational logic that every human being, as long as we are not perfect, may all need external help to rectify the effect of imperfection or sin. At the end, she graciously ask for a tract and promise to ponder this important issue by herself. I though her had come , but later found out she was still left alone at the bus stop perhaps missing her bus because of our long conversation. I any way, did not want to give her pressure and wanted to leave her alone for personal meditation. So I called off the outreach earlier than usual.
Battle Log of Operation 513 at Sunnybank on Wednesday January 15, 2025 from 1300-1500
Today the Toowong Gospel Outreach Squad reduced to one person again as all others were not available. Also, there was extreme heat warning making the concrete based bus stop appeared like a furnace of 38C rather than the nominal 31C temperature. Nevertheless, I still served for over an hour by myself with amazing divine encounters as recap below: -
1) Baha from Iraq now doing a PhD was the first I was led to approach despite time left was minimal, he appeared very open and friendly not mind at all for me to share about Jesus. He may plan to stay after his study as such the analogy of Migration needing a "Perfect" clean record of no crime committed in country of origin, even shop lifting or spitting such petty crime, once convicte4d and recorded then the person will no longer be perfect any more in terms of Crime free status as such will be disqualified for migration or overseas study. He was gracious enough to take selfie with me.
2) Then I tried to approach an India woman but she was too scared to allow me to have a chat with her.
3) Next was a Chinese Mainlander girl 大陸女戒備, she appeared nervous and skeptical to be noticed chatting with me. But still tried to relax her down to keep the gospel conversation onwards till her bus came.
4) Next also a Mainlander girl who claimed that I had chatted with before. I tested if she got the meaning of the gospel message which obviously was not fully understood yet. I revised the message for her but it seems that the spiritual bondage of her declared Taoism faith 道教was holding her up to open her spiritual eyes. So despite rationally she understood my logic that every one need Jesus unless you are perfect. 明白但心未開
5) Then I caught up with a Fiji Indian mixed Christian lady. But it seems that she does not fully understand the gospel still thinking good deeds it self is OK.
6) Then I caught up with a local Aussie girl. She thought God will not accept her as she is a gay person. I used fair dinkum to chip in delightful mood and she then turned ok to chat. Yet the bus came and was barely able to share the nutshell of the gospel.
7) Then caught up with a tall guy from Xinjian新疆, China. said he already had a good chat with Rev Ding 丁牧聊過 last week and the memory is still fresh and he kept the tract. So it was good for me to follow up with a revision for him.
Battle Log of Operation 513 at Toowong on Tuesday January 14, 2025 from 1230-1400
It was over joy to have four people turning up today at Toowong, i.e. Johnny, Rev Ding Hwa Jen, Ann Yeo and Hung. We jokingly thanks God for doubling or gospel outreach force from 2 to 4.
It is a privilege to have met Rev Ding and teamed up with Rev Ding to be on mission with God for street gospel outreach at Toowong. him. The powerful work of God on Rev Ding through the divine election of the Holy Spirit was a clear sign of God grace to use him on his first debut of Street Outreach as His great ambassador for the gospel in action.
We can see clearly that despite I might have chatted with that guy of Chinese and Korean mixed blood three times before, I never was able to find this out but just kept sharing gospel with him to an extent, it was initially used as an excuse to decline the 4th approach by Rev Ding to him. But see how subtle was the omniscience God using Rev Ding to have discovered his identity as a Chinese and Korean cross breed like Rev Ding himself, as well as his son, that this guy could not deny it was really God at work to match them up for gospel sharing. I could see God used all this miracle after miracle to move and call Rev Ding to give it a go for engaging in street outreach like God has called Johnny, Edwin and me to do.
Recap below is the Battle Log of Hung:
1) UQ Student Chen from Shanghai, welly connected because of my adventurous travel experience in the early 1973 to Shanghai. The work of the Holy Spirit was obvious to open him up to become more receptive to the gospel message, especially the fact that no one is perfect and we all need a savior to help cleanse our sin for reconciling with God.
2) Next was a Brazilian girl once studied at Griffith but now graduated and earned PR by finding a job here. She is non-religious, but appeared receptive to the Gospel Message.
India tract only
3) Then I connected with a local Aussie but studying Philosophy and is now doing a PhD degree on Hegel, same as the specialty of my 2nd elder Brother. He also appeared very open and receptive and cannot deny a bit of the logic I put forth to prove that no one is perfect and we all need an external agent to help making us perfect in terms of sin free record. Pray that he will submit to the Spirit and lay down his rational mind to accept the faith by grace.
4)Then I was led to connect with another Mainlander from Henan which I use Sanmenxia , one of the Orphanage project in Henan to build rapport with him to explain the issue that being a good person with lot of charity work still will not help a bit for us to earn the admission to Heaven.
5) Then I was lewd to approach an Indian woman, she heard of William Carey, though still not yet a Christian. Time also ran out for me to carry on with the gospel sharing conversation so a tract at the end was given.
6) Last but not the least, I connect with yet another cross bleed lady with parents from Australia and Philippine. She also is not yet a believer and I was just able to share her the nutshell of the gospel.
Battle Log of Operation 513 at Toowong on Tuesday January 14, 2025 from 1230-1400
It was over joy to have four people turning up today at Toowong, i.e. Johnny, Rev Ding Hwa Jen, Ann Yeo and Hung. We jokingly thanks God for doubling or gospel outreach force from 2 to 4.
It is a privilege to have met Rev Ding and teamed up with Rev Ding to be on mission with God for street gospel outreach at Toowong. him. The powerful work of God on Rev Ding through the divine election of the Holy Spirit was a clear sign of God grace to use him on his first debut of Street Outreach as His great ambassador for the gospel in action.
We can see clearly that despite I might have chatted with that guy of Chinese and Korean mixed blood three times before, I never was able to find this out but just kept sharing gospel with him to an extent, it was initially used as an excuse to decline the 4th approach by Rev Ding to him. But see how subtle was the omniscience God using Rev Ding to have discovered his identity as a Chinese and Korean cross breed like Rev Ding himself, as well as his son, that this guy could not deny it was really God at work to match them up for gospel sharing. I could see God used all this miracle after miracle to move and call Rev Ding to give it a go for engaging in street outreach like God has called Johnny, Edwin and me to do.
Recap below is the Battle Log of Hung:
1) UQ Student Chen from Shanghai, welly connected because of my adventurous travel experience in the early 1973 to Shanghai. The work of the Holy Spirit was obvious to open him up to become more receptive to the gospel message, especially the fact that no one is perfect and we all need a savior to help cleanse our sin for reconciling with God.
2) Next was a Brazilian girl once studied at Griffith but now graduated and earned PR by finding a job here. She is non-religious, but appeared receptive to the Gospel Message.
India tract only
3) Then I connected with a local Aussie but studying Philosophy and is now doing a PhD degree on Hegel, same as the specialty of my 2nd elder Brother. He also appeared very open and receptive and cannot deny a bit of the logic I put forth to prove that no one is perfect and we all need an external agent to help making us perfect in terms of sin free record. Pray that he will submit to the Spirit and lay down his rational mind to accept the faith by grace.
4)Then I was led to connect with another Mainlander from Henan which I use Sanmenxia , one of the Orphanage project in Henan to build rapport with him to explain the issue that being a good person with lot of charity work still will not help a bit for us to earn the admission to Heaven.
5) Then I was lewd to approach an Indian woman, she heard of William Carey, though still not yet a Christian. Time also ran out for me to carry on with the gospel sharing conversation so a tract at the end was given.
6) Last but not the least, I connect with yet another cross bleed lady with parents from Australia and Philippine. She also is not yet a believer and I was just able to share her the nutshell of the gospel.
Battle Log of Operation 513 at Toowong on Tuesday January 7, 2025 from 1230-1400
Today I kicked start the street outreach ministry in 2025 at Toowong in the new ministry time from 1230 to 1400. Both Johnny and Edwin were not available due to their own church ad Hoc ministry need. I just start the outreach in the New Year period ministry as usual. There were less but still reasonable people flow. I first spotted the Sri Lanka man I mistaken as local worker but actually an UQ student doing part time work at Woolly. When I tried to approach him for a follow up chat, it was interfered by a phone call. I tried to stay around for a while but did not beat the arrival of his bus. I anyway saw it as a lead for follow up approach on him in our next divine encounter. Recap below were some other chats I got:
First I was led to approach a middle aged man from Ethiopia which according to him is now a half half Christian and Muslim country. He however was not religious, but still open enough for a chat though again the time left was short. I still managed to share the nutshell of the Gospel and he was forced to wave me good bye when his bus arrived.
Next, I had a long chat with a young man from Yang Zhiu揚州, Jiangsu. He was intrigued to realize I had an adventurous visit to Jiang Jie Provinces dated back to 1973/74. He admitted even it was before the birth of his father. He appeared very polite and open for a chat even on religious issue with genuine interest. I almost finished the full gospel which he found rational and logical that as an imperfect human being, we all need external help from a perfect person. When his bus arrive, he asked politely to end the conversation or else his next bus will be 8 minutes later. So, I could not but let go and pray for future possible reunion for follow up chat.
Then, I reconnected with a guy who claimed to have a chat with one of us and most probably a lady. He showed a bit of reluctant to chat again, bit finally he let up and let me revise most of the gospel message calling for our repentant heart to accept Jesus as our Saviour to cleanse up our sin once and for all in order that we can be gifted with a renewed status of heavenly citizen. Pray that this reminder will serve the purpose of God on his life.
Battle Log of Operation 513 at Toowong on Tuesday Dec 24, 2024 from 1230-1400
Johnny decided to change the Toowong outreach time an hour earlier from 1230 to 1400. On Christmas eve, the people flow was more than normal and parking as well getting a bit more difficult. Nevertheless, Johnny and Hung still made it as the final rush outreach before Christmas Day. Obviously, both of us used the Merry Christmas gag to attract interest for a more relaxed and causal chat. People do not reject Christmas as a festivity and our aim is to drawn their attention back to Jesus as the reason for the season, and His incarnation birth has brought life transforming power to set us free from the bondage of sin and regain eternal life as well as heavenly identify as God's people/children through His sacrificial death on the cross. Recap below is the Battle log of Hung:
1) Sri Lankan in Woolworth uniform misled me as a migrated local worker, but he actually is an UQ student doing part time job. He is a Muslim but with open mind to listen to the full gospel.
2) Next was another UQ student from Indonesia also declared himself a Muslim. He typically thinks all religions are the same as long as we abided by the teaching of the religion to be a good person. So the tract and the gospel hopefully will give him a new dimension of thought about the grave impact and consequence of sin imposed on all human life disqualifying all of us to be reconnected with God unless our sin is cleansed and pardoned by Jesus.
3) Then I was led to approach a local Aussie girl who claimed to have chatted with me before. Surprisingly I could not find such battle log entry after going home, but I did not give up sharing or revising the full gospel with her again.
4) Next was a local Aussie handy man doing Christmas shopping. He was attracted to the Merry Christmas Gag and thanked for my illumination and explanation. He is non-believer but appeared receptive to the gospel message that all human though good but not perfect as such they all need salvation by Jesus as our savior and our Lord of Life.
5) Then I connected with an ABC with parents from Hong Kong and he could speak reasonably good Cantonese, and is now a High School teacher. He also is non-believer but appeared open and receptive to the gospel message.
6) Then I came across a young man from Wuhan武漢, he appeared comparatively open than most of the Maninder and was willing to chat even religious issues. He had been baptized by the saga of pandemic leading to a long complete lock down of the city as such he experienced the dark side of human sin in flesh. His heart has been softened for the gospel message.
7) Olive from a small town in the Southern part of UK and near London. He is non Christian but hold and open mind to Christianity and he felt more clear about the need for Jesus after the gospel sharing.
Battle Log of Operation 513 at Toowong on Tuesday Dec 17, 2024 from 1330-1430
There was intermittent isolated heavy rain in Toowong area, it nevertheless posted no hindrance for Johnny and Hung to serve Street Outreach ministry as usual. The power of witness apart from the output of gospel sharing to non-believing people of all Nations was demonstrated. After sharing full gospel to a Malaysian Chinese with fruit bearing result, I was greeted by a Catholic Christian lady with a big smile. We met each other at this bus stop possibly 2 to 3 years ago, she is a serious Catholic follower who tried to debate with us on theology to prove that Catholic faith is orthodox when we challenged her that they do not have pure faith in salvation by grace through faith in Jesus alone and they tend to elevate Mary to a status equal to God. She wrote me long notes and even resorted to refer me to talk to her Church Father which I never have chance to do it but instead consulted many of my personal friend of Catholic background. So, our relationship becomes stranded because of all these differences as such she chooses to avoid or ignore me at the bus stop. But today, here attitude has made a 360 degree changes. She approach me to greet me with a broad smile and compliment me as a good person (in the sense of a good servant). I guess she might have watched and overheard my chat with Edwin the Malaysian and agree with my view of all the gospel sharing messages. So witness is also a form of Behavioral Art, your actions speak louder than words especially we are doing it in His strength. Recap below is the battle log of Hung for today.
1) Edwin, a UQ student from Sarawak, Malaysia. He is non-religious though from a Buddhist family, but he had Christiaan friend and has followed them to church. Thus God may have softened his heart and he also has mastered certain basic bible story teaching as such he appeared 100% open and receptive to the gospel and promise he will take it seriously to pursue to make the last step of faith accepting Jesus as his savior. I also referred him to get in touch with Power To Change for any further questions about the Christian faith.
2) Catholic lady brief encounter serving me like a cup of caffe experience the power of witness for Christ as described above.
3) An Indian parent of Sikh background come visiting daughter studying in UQ, the father could speak limited English, but I try to build rapport by telling him the early days policeman in HKG 80- 100 years ago are mainly by the people of Sikh with their head wrapped up with clothes, And parents used to scare their kids by threatening them to be obedience otherwise the Sikh Policeman will come to grab them for locking up. The bus came and our friendly conversation ended and i still managed to handed him a tract and pray that God will do His job.
4)Next I approached an elderly Local Aussie. I was inspired to use the Fair dinkum and Merry Christmas gag to introduce the gospel message. He was impressed I knew so much about Australian slang and culture as well as UK ancient English. It proved that his interest in gospel was low but the rapport I built with him through these two ice breaking measure earned me a bit more patience to finish the nutshell of Gospel to him.
5) Then I caught up with a Chinese looking Singaporean yet I had only barely enough time to start the gospel without finishing because of the quick arrival of bus. Any way, I still managed to pass him a gospel tract,
6) Last but not the least, I had a good chat with a Mainlander girl who was semi open for gospel message and happily took a tract to read afterwards.
Battle Log of Operation 513 at Toowong on Tuesday Dec 10, 2024 from 1330-1430
It was day of worst rainy weather for street outreach, but Johnny and Hung still turned up as normal to deliver our committed gospel ministry under extremely harsh condition. Hung used to have a private deal with the Father that God will withhold rain when Hung is in ministry with God. This promise has never been broken even once. Time and again, Hung can serve with a dry period of time with rain falling down before and right after the ministry time. But today, God seemingly broke this mutual understanding allowing rain falling non stop during the whole street outreach time. See what!? In retrospect, God created a condition for me to demonstrate the real ancient meaning of "Merry" .
Every year, when Christmas is near, I uses to ask people while doing street outreach why Christmas only is greeted with Merry Christmas and not Happy. Because "Merry " is an old English word bearing a totally different meaning as similar to happiness. Its origin can be traced back to a very old English Carols with the first verse as follows:
"God rest you merry, gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay.
For Jesus Christ our Saviour
Was born upon this Day.
To save poor souls from Satan's power,
Which long time had gone astray.
Which brings tidings of comfort and joy."
Notice the punctuation coma is before gentlemen, so merry is not used as an adjective for gentleman, but as a noun representing something with power that God ensure to give to us as a free gift being brought by the birth of Jesus Christ incarnating as our Saviour"
The historic meaning of the phrase "God rest you merry" is 'may God grant you peace and joy';
I illustrated this to the gospel targets, that "happiness" is something conditional to the environment. I feel happy for some materialistic thing I received but "Merry" or joy is some valuable substance that we have possessed in our heart that will keep us positive irrespective of circumstance. For instance , under heavy rain, I will not be happy to come out to chat with people. But with "merry" or power of joy and a transformed born again life with inner peace, I will still defy the harsh environment and find meaning with motivation to keep doing gospel outreach in whatever circumstances.
Hurrah, all except one who were willing to connect with me all found great enlightenment by the old meaning of "merry" which has led them to a more literal perception of blessing and gift of eternal life by accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior"
So God is sovereign and "God can make all things work together for the goodness sake of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"
Recap is the brief battle log of Hung: -
1) With only 1 minute left , I greeted someone Merry Christmas and asked if he knew why Christmas alone use Merry while all others use Happy. Just barely gave him the answer and the tract as a good approach to kick off a gospel conversation.
2) Rejected by one guy who refused to stop listening to his own music.
3) Then I was led to approach Willy from Ecuador, who appeared having a heavy heart not keen to listen the gospel though I still shared him the core message.
4) A girl by the name Lee from HKG to Australia for 4 years already, is non religious, but rapport quickly built because of our Hong Konger identity .
5) Then I approached Ahmed an Indian using the Merry Christmas gag and fair dinkum slang to successfully bring Jesus through the word Merry into his heart.
6) Then another Merry Christmas gag to an English lady who did not understand the Merry gag but claiming that English is silly. But after she learnt all about the real ancient meaning of Merry, she turned fully amazed and laugh her way to get on the bus.
7) Noah another local Aussie young chap also found the real meaning "Merry: intriguing and vowed to think deep to cash in "Merry" into his heart and life especially he has been given a biblical names.
Battle Log of Operation 513 at Toowong on Tuesday Nov 26, 2024 from 1330-1430
It was good to have Johnny back from his one month Family vacation in Bali. The sun was scorching hot. There were much less people flow perhaps also because Uni term was over. We however still managed to get meaning conversations with both new gospel targets and those who had chatted with us before for a refreshing revision touch on the gospel. God also moved us to react quick enough to help out a driver of an UTE that had broken down to push his car to safety at the road side area. It became an instrument for me to connect with my last gospel target for the day as recap per Battle Log below: -
1) A girl from Jilin吉林 who has been to UQ Brisbane for 2 months 二月. She defied the norm of mainlanders appearing open and receptive to the gospel though it was only half shared when the bus came. She was willing to take a tract anyway.
2) The next was a person we chatted before談過:Time only allows a brief recap and follow up. 稍談
3) Then approached Allan whom we also have chatted before, he appeared very welcoming for the revision and showed clearer understanding with good receptiveness.
4) Then approached a girl who just laugh without responding in words. Anyway shared the nutshell of the gospel before her bus came in very short time.
5) Next was a Japanese girl Sakuran from Osaka. She was surprised to hear me greeting her in orthodox Japanese, as such was clicked for the gospel message which was finished in time when her bus arrived.
6) Then I was led to approach 恩端 or Chole a Korean lady. I tried to ask if she is a Christian as Korean has turned from a Buddhist country to Christianity. She answered she is no Christian and has never heard the Gospel before. Thanks God giving me enough time to finish sharing the full gospel message and Chole really showed positive response to the key message that all human, though good but not perfect as such we all need to be saved by grace through faith in Christ as our Savior and Lord of our life. She was happy to take a selfie so I could recognize her next time.
7) Last but not the least I had a long chat with Desperandum from India. He also join us to give a hand to the driver to manfully push the car to place of safety. He look very modernized and open mind with a Westernized clean shaved appearance. I shared him the full gospel and also used my Bladder cancer hassle to demonstrate sin is like caner , even a trivial sin is like a caner cell that must be purged and killed. He was also happy for my sharing and show appreciation with a selfie in case we may meet again to follow up on his decision on salvation through faith in Jesus
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