Battle Log of Operation 513 at Sunnybank on Wednesday January 15, 2025 from 1300-1500
It was again a very fruitful afternoon doing street outreach as a team of four i.e. Johnny , Edwin, Ann & Hung with heap of conversations especially the last one with Brother Liu from China who is keen to study Theology in a more systematic way, so I took the chance to introduce him to Kairos which I reckon is the best comprehensive study of God mission and His requirement for us to work with him leading a life on mission with God. Recap below was some of the meaningful conversation.
1) After letting the team to settle down , my first approach was to Natarsha who actually came from Cairns belonging to the Wakaja tribe and Bunda Bunda clan. She is sort of Christian but obviously lack discipleship teaching and her assurance of salvation is 80%. I took all the time I have (she even skipped her bus to keep talking with me) to clarify and helped her to understand fully about salvation by grace through faith all because of Jesus sufficient redemptive work that readily guarantee to us to reconcile with God as such to have received 100% back our heavenly citizenship. She is a very humble and willing learner and rejoiced to know I may go to Cairns in August for mission with the Yarrabah Church.
2) Next was Adam whom I met and chatted several time, but to day Ann invited him to know us in person and have longer chat first with me and then Johnny. Basically his understanding of the Bible and salvation is very fragmentated if not incomplete. His past life experience has caused him much traumatized impact to his mental as well as spirituality. Johnny admitted he only lend a listening ears to Adam to let him feel respected and acceptance. We all pray that in times we will adjust and correct all those problematic understanding of faith and Bible. It was great Ann invited him to yum cha afterwards providing some sort of assertion therapy.
3) Then I have a comparatively long chat with a Filipino lady of Catholic background, and obviously she all is lacking 100 % assurance of salvation which was clarified.
4) Joanna from Taiwan is a non-believers. But she was open and humble to listen to the full gospel sharing and found it very reasonable and logical to know that good is not good enough that we are all imperfect sinner that need the salvation of Jesus to cleanse our sin.
5) Lastly it was Liu as mentioned above. He possibly is the first one who ask voluntarily to go to church with a purpose to learn more about Biblical Doctrine and theology.
View previous Sunnybank (QLD) report (8 January 2025)
Sunnybank Team (QLD)
Meets 1-3pm Wednesday afternoons at the Sunnybank bus stop on Mains Road.
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