Battle Log

Tuesday 4 February 2025

Posted by Posted 4 February 2025, 5:16 PM by Hung Kwan. Permalink

Battle Log of Operation 513 at Toowong on Tuesday Feb 4, 2025 from 1230-15400

You may wonder how come only two pictures were taken? and posted! Yes it is. Because I forgot to bring my only iPhone as such I asked Johnny my forever gospel outreach team mates to take the opening photo after the opening prayer. And the other was a picture he took for me.

in Hind sight, the all knowing God knew that I only needed to two people today, one Indian born man who came to Australia at the age of 4 years old, so his ethnic identity is more local Aussie that Indian. we shared briefly before his bus arrived in 2 minutes. Then next, there were very few people and most of them were Chinese so I let Johnny to chat to them in Mandarin. My chance came at last with Ahmed, a man from Djibouti (east of Ethopia). He claimed himself a Catholic Christian, but with very heavy pro-Muslim and Anti Christ background. So his faith system is very mixed and uncleared. It also explained why he really has spent many times to read the Bible and other religious writing with a view to find an unified sete of faith believe. God actually let us met over 1 years ago here, and he still remember me despite I could not be sure who he was. His understanding of the Bible is very biased often time reading it out of context and without a big pictures. He even accused Jesus also have sin and his example was Jesus explicitly reject to help a Canaan woman in Phoenicia. I explained patiently with him that it was actually a tactic of Jesus to use initial rejection to test and train His disciple if their attitude toward outreaching and relating to gentile for gospel has been firmly changed. In effect, all the disciples failed the test and thought Jesus now was doing the right thing as per the ritual law of Jewish people to keep gentile out of their reach in their life. So Jesus at the end still entertain the request of the Canaan woman to heal her daughter as he had done these many times before to all sort of gentile people.

It ended up like a religious education class for me to answer all the query of Ahmed, which hopefully many have changed the mindset of Ahmed to look at the Bible in a oneness unison manner. If it was not Johnny calling me to leave when time was up, Ahmed and I may go on much longer. His seriousness to seek the truth is adorable though obviously he lacks the real salvation of Jesus so that there is still no indwelling of the Holy Spirit in his heart to guide and enlighten him to understand the Bible correctly.

God is praise worthy to reconnect me with Ahmed for such meaningful apologetic conversation.

View previous Toowong (QLD) report (28 January 2025)


Toowong Team (QLD)

Meets 1:30-3pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Toowong train station on the 2nd floor and splits into two teams, one at the main entrance of Toowong Tower on Sherwood Road, another at the foot of the pedestrian bridge across Benson Street.

Contact Johnny Hsieh for more information.