Battle Log

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Posted by Posted 24 January 2015, 12:36 PM by Ryan Hemelaar. Permalink

Evangelism at Woodridge train stationIt was another interesting outreach at Woodridge on Tuesday.

The aborigines were sitting near to where we were having our outreach drinking alcohol for most of the afternoon. At one point, one of them stole a team member's drink bottle, emptied the water from it and filled it with alcohol and proceeded to then drink from it.

After asking for it back, we were met with threats of our noses being broken. Thankfully the police were on the train station and they quickly sorted out the issue.

There were plenty of good conversations with people. Here are some people to pray for in particular:

• Mooki - I spoke to him at length last week, when he came up to me and said that the week before (that is, 2 weeks ago) he was rude to me when he just walked straight past saying that he followed Satan, but said that now he wants to hear what I have to say. So I explained the full message clearly to him last week. This week he came back again and he had been thinking about what I said, but admitted he loves his sin.

• Catherine - from NZ, been giving into sin a lot recently. Thought following God's will saved her.

• Ayuel - took a New Testament Bible. Seemed to realise that he was guilty before God.

• Julian - heard full presentation, he at least intellectually came to understand the gospel, please pray he is genuine.

God's word is so precious and all the people we encountered on the outreach this Tuesday will never be the same again in eternity because they have heard the truth.

All glory to God!

View previous Woodridge (QLD) report (13 January 2015)


Woodridge Team (QLD)

Meets 2-5pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Woodridge train-bus interchange on Station Rd.

Contact Ryan Hemelaar for more information.