Redcliffe Team (QLD)
Meets fortnightly on Saturdays 11am-1pm near the Redcliffe Jetty on Redcliffe Parade outside Chemist Warehouse.
Contact us for more information.
It was another beautiful day at Redcliffe as the team turned up for outreach today. The team was made up of Richard, Penny, Rob, Joy, Alan, Debbie, Andrew and Col. God gave everyone just such a wonderful day of gospel conversations and plenty of tracts and bibles were handed out as well. Redcliffe is just such a responsive location where generally most people are happy to chat and listen to the gospel. We had a great conversation with a Muslim guy by asking him who was going to pay for his sins and he said that God would just forgive him and just ignore his sin. I went through the court room illustration with him saying that a just judge could not just ignore a person breaking the law and similarly God cannot just ignore sin that breaks his laws. Only by trusting in Christ who paid the price for breaking God's law could a person be forgiven. I'm not sure that he accepted what I said but at least he heard the gospel and accepted a tract and I think I gave him a gospel of John. Thank God, for there was lots of similar gospel conversation today and it was just so good to see the Holy Spirit touching so many with the hope of the gospel. By the end of our time everyone was just so much rejoicing in what the Lord had done through the team for his Glory. Our next outreach is in 2 weeks on the 19 th Sept, 11 am til 1 pm come and join us, it would be great to have more believers sharing the gospel with us. Praise God for his goodness and kindness. What a wonderful Saviour we have in the Lord Jesus !!!!
We had a team of 5 people this morning. Pastor Hung, Richard, Robert, Alan and Col. Some members of the team had other commitments and weren't able to join us. It was great to be out and about on the streets again. The shops and restaurants were full and it appeared that most people were enjoying their time out together.
Initially it was difficult to get a conversation going but after about 20 minutes and as the team spread out up and down the street everyone was enjoying gospel conversations.
Redcliffe is a good location for outreach because people aren't generally in a rush to go anywhere and have the time to chat.
God blessed our time today, and as a team we are always grateful when God chooses to use us.
Our next outreach is on Saturday 11 th July 1100 to 1300 if you would like to join us
God provided seven (7) team members this morning. Team members included Gary, Robert, James, Richard, Andrew, Pastor Hung and Col. It was great to see the whole team so enthusiastic and becoming more bold every week.
I won't go into detail about the gospel conversations we had, but we give God the glory for allowing us to witness for him. It was a great day and at the end of our time I noticed how the team was so full of joy that they had been witnessing for Christ.
No matter the outcome the team had told many about the love of God through what Jesus had done on the cross, and that's what it's all about hey !! It is so wonderful to look into the face of someone who is hearing the gospel for the first time and see the light in their eyes when they really get it.
Anyway please could you include the Redcliffe team on your prayer lists. We need God or we can do nothing.
If you would like to come out and join us, our next outreach is Saturday 14th March.
Today was just awesome !!!!! We had 4 people on team James, Robert, Andrew and Col and everyone had such wonderful conversations.
So many people clearly heard the good news. It's like every week God is touching the hearts of so many who are then open to the gospel.
Please pray for all those we talked to and please pray that God will continue to use the Redcliffe team for his purpose. Nothing we say can bring a person to repentance if God is not in it. Could you please put us on your prayer lists, thanks so much.
We give thanks to God that the Australia day celebrations at Suttons Beach is always a great day for outreach and today was another exceptional day. God provided 5 team members - Andrew, Gary, Kane, Damon and Col. Every team member had very many conversations and approximately 1000 tracts were handed out to the huge number of people along the foreshore.
Very early in the afternoon Damon had a very special conversation with a young guy by the name of Ben. In the space of 20 minutes Ben changed his opinion with regard to the existence of God and was seriously considering a relationship with God and putting his trust in Christ alone. Praise God for the way God turned this young man around and he certainly understood his need for a Saviour.
This encounter just reminded me again that it is God who saves and it is the Holy Spirit working in someone life who soften and changes a persons heart. We give God the glory in every conversation. Please remember our team in your prayer lists. We can do absolutely nothing apart from the Holy Spirit touching hearts. Please come and join us if you are feeling God is leading you.
What a wonderful Saviour we have in the Lord Jesus !!!
Today at Redcliffe was such an exciting time for the whole team. We had seven (7) on the team, Hannah, Richard, Gary, James, Joseph, Andrew and Col. There was lots of gospel conversations and many tracts given out.
One young guy by the name of Benson, said he had never really thought about God before and was quite amazed when I told him why Jesus had died on the cross. He was so receptive to the gospel it was amazing !!! I went through the law with him and also explained that being a good person would not get him to heaven. He seemed to understand his need for a Saviour and salvation straight away. Andrew joined the conversation and explained how to find a good church to encourage him further.
Others on the team were also enjoying fruitful conversations further up the street near Bee Gee way. So many people were willing to talk today. Andrew had some great conversations including a discussion with one lady who said she wanted to put her faith in Christ for salvation.
If you have a prayer list could you please pray for our team at Redcliffe, that God would be pleased to use us for his Glory not ours. We want to always to give God thanks and praise for his kindness in giving us people to share the gospel with.
We have a big outreach happening on Australia day Sunday 26th January at Suttons beach so please come and join the team in the afternoon if you can.
God gave us a very warm day at Redcliffe for outreach but we were able to find a shady tree on the footpath and a breeze off the water helped a lot.
We had 4 team members Richard, Hannah Andrew and Col. After prayer it did not take long before the team was involved in many gospel conversations.
Redcliffe is a friendly place to witness and every time we go out God is softening the hearts of those he is drawing to himself.
Everyone was very encouraged by the end of our outreach and all praise and honour to our Lord Jesus who gave us the opportunity to proclaim the gospel.
Please pray for the many we spoke to, that all will consider their eternal peril and put their trust in Christ.
Providence on Display in Redcliffe
In Psalm 37:23, we are told that the steps of a righteous / good man are ordered by the Lord. Today, I saw a very practical outworking of that biblical truth; the Lord’s providence was clearly displayed in Redcliffe.
We arrived a little earlier than usual this morning, and after having a time of fellowship we set up our literature table and began our outreach. Before too long, we had people taking tracts and stopping to chat about the Lord Jesus.
The first person I spoke to this morning was a man who identified himself as a deist. He believed that God existed, but that we can discover God on our own and without the special revelation of God’s Word. He also told me that he didn’t like Christians, since all the Christians he knew were hypocrites. This objection of hypocrisy is a common claim, so I spent a little time addressing it. I stressed to this man that the standard we need to test everything by is not what people do, but rather by the Bible. If someone says they are a Christian, but don’t follow the example of the Lord Jesus, then we have grounds to question if they are really a Christian or not.
This line of reasoning seemed to strike a note with him, so he asked me to explain more about how someone actually becomes a Christian (I was more than happy to do so!). We chatted about how all of us don’t follow God’s standards, so we all need a saviour. The man told me that if everyone just loved each other, then the world would be a better place. This gave me a perfect opening to talk about personal sin. Using the command of Jesus to love one another in John 15:17, I asked if this man had always loved people in the way that Christ commanded. He admitted he hadn’t. I then asked, if he had loved God perfectly throughout his life; again, he admitted he hadn’t. I was then able to explain to him that none of us follow God’s commands, but Jesus loves sinners. This man listened as I shared about the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. He also listened attentively as I shared with him the command of God to repent and believe in Jesus. At the end of our conversation, he shook my hand, said he had much to think about, then headed off down the street.
I went back to handing out tracts after this, but I noticed Col was engaged in a discussion with a Muslim man who worked at the kebab shop next to where we were evangelising. I listened into the conversation, which by now was about the veracity of the Scripture. The Muslim man believed that the Bible had been corrupted, and that only the Quran was correct. When I heard this I was reminded of an apologetic booklet I had placed in my bag, it was written to address such claims. At this stage I joined the conversation; I greeted the Muslim man and began chatting to him. I have spent time studying Islam, so I really enjoy talking to Muslims. This man was friendly, but was using the common arguments against Christianity. I addressed his claims about the corruption of the Bible, then I offered him the booklet as a gift. He very graciously received the gift and thanked me for being prepared to talk to him. Col and I were also able to share the gospel with this friendly Muslim worker. After our chat, he went back to the kebab shop, and we went back to witnessing.
Since it was quite a hot day, I thought it would be wise to take a break and go buy a cold drink. This is where I saw God’s Providence on display. I walked passed the kebab shop, to a little cafe which sells a Scottish drink I really like. I went to purchase it, but they said they couldn’t accept my card. So, I placed the drink back in the fridge, and walked down to a bakery to purchase a drink from them. Upon arrival at the bakery, I noticed a line of people out the door. I wouldn’t have time to get a drink from there, so I started to head back to the outreach. As I walked back, I decided just to buy a drink from the kebab shop, even though it wasn’t the type of drink I wanted, it was hot, so I needed something to cool me down.
When I walked into the kebab shop, the Muslim man I had spoken to earlier greeted me. He then had to rush off to do something. I took my drink from the fridge, then went to the counter to pay. A lady was standing at the counter, and when I put my drink down she said, “I’m glad you are here; perhaps you can help me in a debate. Myself and the other worker have been debating about if the Bible is true or not, and if Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible.” This was not the conversation I was expecting!
Since there were no other customers in the shop, I was able to explain the gospel throughly to her. I also happened to have a booklet in my bag that addressed the question of if Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible. This whole experience reminded me that the Lord orders our steps, as I had no intention of buying a drink from that shop, yet, the Lord wanted me to be there to proclaim Christ to the worker behind the counter. God’s Providence is a wonderful thing!
By now our outreach was beginning to draw to a close. I had a brief conversation with a pagan who said she was nothingness and that God indwells here. She wasn’t overly friendly towards us. I was also able to hand out a number of tracts. It was also during this time that we saw children come and take copies of a free Bible colouring book that we were giving away. We rejoice that God’s Word keeps spreading!
The team from Operation 513 and OAC Ministries did a great job today. Please pray for all those we encountered.
The Flourishing of the Gospel in Redcliffe!
What an amazing day! Six Christians from different churches joined together under the banner of Operation 513 to share the good news of Jesus in Redcliffe. Over recent months we have noticed an increasing hardness of the ground, but today was radically different. There was a freedom and openness to the gospel ministry today. One of the team members remarked that they hadn’t see a day like this in over eighteen months. After a hard week, it was truly refreshing to see the gospel go forth.
The biggest challenge that faced the team today was finding somewhere to park our cars as the waterfront was quite busy with people enjoying the last day of winter. Due to traffic problems we were a few minutes late in arriving for the outreach, but upon arrival we instantly got stuck into the work.
As I set up the Free Bible table, members of the team began to hand out tracts. Shortly thereafter, conversations began. People were open to talking; with some asking really good questions and listening intently to the biblical answers.
One really good conversation I had was with John from India. He stopped after I handed him a tract, then asked, “Do you think you’ll go to Heaven?” He smiled, then replied, “There is no Heaven, and there is no Hell. There is just here and now.” John then went on to tell me that he came from a Christian background, and that he believed Jesus to be a very good and moral teacher. I asked him, “Would Jesus be a good teacher, if He told lies or gave false information?” John said that anyone who lied wouldn’t be good. I then pointed out that Christ spoke of Heaven and Hell; and that Jesus said the wicked will be judged forever. John seemed to really enjoy the way this conversation was going, so he started to talk about wickedness and how evil men seem to prosper in this life. He wanted to know why evil existed and why God didn’t destroy sinners. This line of questioning was very helpful as it provided me an opening to present the biblical gospel. I spoke to John about how all of humanity is corrupt; and that we all deserve death and Hell. I pointed out that if God judged us in the way that John demanded, then both him and I would be in Hell right now. John was taken back by this comment as he didn’t believe he was a wicked man. He said that he lived true to his loving instincts, which he believed aligned with the Ten Commandments.
I agreed that the Ten Commandments are a loving standard, so we began to look at them together. As we walked through the Law, it became very clear that all the world is guilty, including John and I. John at this stage was looking for an excuse to justify his sin; to do this he pointed to many of the dictators from history. He said, “They are evil men, yet many of them went unpunished. I am not like them, so God wouldn’t judge me.” I explained to John that all men are guilty of sin, and deserve Hell, as we have chosen to rebel against our Creator; and that by our actions we are born cut off from God, and we continue in a state of war with the Eternal God. John agreed to this, so I pointed out that one of the sins John needed to repent of was his self-righteousness, as he thought himself to be better than everyone else. I was a little cautious in being so direct with John, but in reply he simply he hung his head and said, “You are right. I agree.”
John then said, “But what can we do? We are all just the product of evolution. I must strive to be the fittest to survive.” I answered by saying that he didn’t really believe in survival of the fittest, as if he did, he wouldn’t be complaining about the dictators, as they were just the fittest in their area. I then addressed the issue of Darwinian Evolution, explaining that Darwin would have made John lower than me due to his skin colour. I also addressed some of the scientific arguments that John raised.
As our conversation drew to a close, I reminded John of the gospel. He took some booklets on different apologetic subjects, and also a gospel book. He then shook my hand and said, “Thank-you for talking to me and answering my questions. When I was a child my Pastors would not answer the hard questions, yet you stand here and give me very good answers. If they had answered, I am sure my life would be much different.”
As John left, I was reminded of the command we are given in 1 Peter 3:15 - “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defence to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you…”
Churches and individuals need to be trained in apologetics and gospel ministry. We must be prepared to answer the objections and questions the world is asking. By spending time engaging in apologetics, we are actually not trying to win an argument, instead we are clearing the ground for the gospel seed to be planted; apologetics and evangelism are the best of mates.
The rest of the day was spent in gospel conversations, distributing tracts and seeing many people take literature from the Free Bible table. Today was radically different to what we have seen in recent months. We rejoice in the Lord for answering the many prayers that have been offered up by Christians worldwide. May the Lord allow the light to continue to shine in Redcliffe.
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