Battle Log

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Posted by Posted 6 October 2020, 7:27 PM by Hung Kwan. Permalink

Operation 513 Battle Log for Toowong Village on Tuesday October 6, 2020 from 1330 - 1500

It was a very warm Spring afternoon with bright sun shine. It might have affected some people feeling reluctant to stop and chat under the Summer like scorching sun. But all the three of us , namely Johnny, Winnie and Hung all got reasonable good chance to shared the gospel to the needy ones. Johnny asked for prayer at the end for an UQ student from Taiwan who affirmatively willing to accept Jesus after hearing the Gospel. like-wise Winnie chatted to 8 persons amongst which four showed willingness to accept Jesus. For details, she supplied her Chinese record as below. As for me, I have seven opportunities as recap below.

0) Ouch! I forgot this lady from mainland China. She was hesitant if she should take my tract. And finally she took it. Then I asked if I could share about this before the bus came. She then suddenly firmed up and rejected to continue with our chat. Anyhow, at least she kept the tract and hope God will use it to move her.

1) Bob , a tall Aussie elderly man was prepared by God to wait at the bus stop for a long time as his route is of very infrequent schedule. We chatted for almost 20- 30 minutes. While I shared the gospel, he kept interjecting with many of his questions , like what is sin, will people before Christ be saved, etc. Thanks God that his attitude had eventually softened up and appeared receptive to the gospel accepting the fact that he also needs Jesus despite he all along considers himself a good person.

2) Ashan an Iran urban office lady look woman, finding her way to Indooroopilly shopping centre. She found the bus at the wrong bus. Winnie was the first to approach but could not help so I stepped in and found that she needed to go another bus stop across the road on another street. I offered to walk her to the right bus station making sure she would not got to a wrong bus station heading to the opposite direction to city. God inspired me to stress the points that taking a wrong bus at a wrong bus stop is frustrating thing but you still have chance to make it right eventually. But losing the way and heading to a wrong eternal place in hell instead of heaven is a irreversible mistake that no one should afford. She admit the gospel is sensible and logical but may need more time to sink in the importance. I told her Iran actually has become a thriving new Christian kingdom and she admitted she has many Christian friends. So I pray that God will guide and put her in many good Christian friends hand like God put her in my hand to help her find the right bus.

3) Houng a Vietnamese student from NZ. He happily accepted the tract but was in a hurry to meet his friends who are coming to pick him up. I however still managed to shared the nutshell of the gospel to him in less than a minutes of time.

4) A righteous girl saw me took photo of Winnie sharing gospel with another Chinese girl. She let me share the gospel with her for the purpose of waiting for the finish of conversation of Winnie with that girl. Then she walked over to prompt the girl that I took her picture. I was a little bit surprised in the calculated way of that Indian looks lady but she has the righteous moral ground to give me in. I explained to them that the photo normally avoid the face and it did when I showed them. Anyhow, the Chinese girl was persuaded to ask me to delete it. So, it is a lesson to learn not taking photo too obviously in front of other passers by .

5) Oscar was some one I met two weeks ago. I asked if he has read the tract again at home and how does he find it. The answer was a bit disappointing as he said he does not find the need for salvation. Nevertheless, I tried to go over the illustration of sin to prove that no one including him is good and perfect. Once we have sin, we need Jesus to die for our sin. I invited him to ponder on this issue again.

6) Daren a good old man willing to listen but seemingly has no idea of salvation. He was appreciative for my sharing but asked if I think I can convert everyone. I said it counts to convert even one person better than doing nothing.

Here are the sharing of Winnie on her 7 conversations.


第一及第二位是UQ 年青少女。Myer and Lucy. 明白主的救赎。願意尋求更多真理。


第四位是馬來西亞少女,Mary. 明白福音,願意接受免费禮物。



第七位 是中国少女,願意接受福音,找教會寻求更多真理。

第八位是Nathan, 澳洲男士。我們傾談很長。他説信自己靠自己。路是自己行出來。我解释给他,神創造萬物天地,因为亞當 夏娃反罪,所以我們都是罪人。如果我們信靠主耶稣,祂會拯救我們,死在十字架上 還赏我們的罪債,我們的罪便得赦免。這是免费禮物。聖靈便會進入我們心裏,我們便有能力做任何事。當信了主耶稣基督,便會體會到主的大能,我們應該做不到的事,反然有能力做到。我勸他想清楚,不信便會落地獄。如果信了,明天的死,便會上天堂。他説會詳细想一想。


View previous Toowong (QLD) report (29 September 2020)


Toowong Team (QLD)

Meets 1:30-3pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Toowong train station on the 2nd floor and splits into two teams, one at the main entrance of Toowong Tower on Sherwood Road, another at the foot of the pedestrian bridge across Benson Street.

Contact Johnny Hsieh for more information.