Battle Log of Operation 513 at Sunnybank on Wednesday January 15, 2025 from 1300-1500
Today the Toowong Gospel Outreach Squad reduced to one person again as all others were not available. Also, there was extreme heat warning making the concrete based bus stop appeared like a furnace of 38C rather than the nominal 31C temperature. Nevertheless, I still served for over an hour by myself with amazing divine encounters as recap below: -
1) Baha from Iraq now doing a PhD was the first I was led to approach despite time left was minimal, he appeared very open and friendly not mind at all for me to share about Jesus. He may plan to stay after his study as such the analogy of Migration needing a "Perfect" clean record of no crime committed in country of origin, even shop lifting or spitting such petty crime, once convicte4d and recorded then the person will no longer be perfect any more in terms of Crime free status as such will be disqualified for migration or overseas study. He was gracious enough to take selfie with me.
2) Then I tried to approach an India woman but she was too scared to allow me to have a chat with her.
3) Next was a Chinese Mainlander girl 大陸女戒備, she appeared nervous and skeptical to be noticed chatting with me. But still tried to relax her down to keep the gospel conversation onwards till her bus came.
4) Next also a Mainlander girl who claimed that I had chatted with before. I tested if she got the meaning of the gospel message which obviously was not fully understood yet. I revised the message for her but it seems that the spiritual bondage of her declared Taoism faith 道教was holding her up to open her spiritual eyes. So despite rationally she understood my logic that every one need Jesus unless you are perfect. 明白但心未開
5) Then I caught up with a Fiji Indian mixed Christian lady. But it seems that she does not fully understand the gospel still thinking good deeds it self is OK.
6) Then I caught up with a local Aussie girl. She thought God will not accept her as she is a gay person. I used fair dinkum to chip in delightful mood and she then turned ok to chat. Yet the bus came and was barely able to share the nutshell of the gospel.
7) Then caught up with a tall guy from Xinjian新疆, China. said he already had a good chat with Rev Ding 丁牧聊過 last week and the memory is still fresh and he kept the tract. So it was good for me to follow up with a revision for him.
View previous Toowong (QLD) report (14 January 2025)
Toowong Team (QLD)
Meets 1:30-3pm every Tuesday afternoon at the Toowong train station on the 2nd floor and splits into two teams, one at the main entrance of Toowong Tower on Sherwood Road, another at the foot of the pedestrian bridge across Benson Street.
Contact Johnny Hsieh for more information.