Battle Log of Operation 513 at Sunnybank on Wednesday January 22, 2025 from 1300-1500
Oh, what a scorching hot day with temperature soaring up to 37/8C at Sunnybank. Even my car issued an extreme heat warning. But defying such lethal weather conditions, all four of the Gospel Street outreach warriors still assemble to serve at Sunnybank. There were obvious team work orchestrated by God through the work of the Holy Spirit letting us to first get connected then by the move of the Spirit we referred the target to a most suitable team mate. Sometime, the Spirit also will lead us to meet those we chatted before for follow up chat. All in all, it was a real demonstration of on mission with God as a body of Christ. Recap below was the Battle Log of Hung.
1) Two young man originally attending Joy Methodist but now have switched to CCCCB Cooper Plains. They are keen in the faith and have assurance of salvation by concept, but when pushed deep, they still could not stand firm to have 100% assurance. It was a pity their bus came, so could wait for the next divine encounter.
2) Next was an ABC mature young man at his 30. His parent is from HKG. He appeared polite to keep listening but his heart was not open and message shared remain skeptical to his own perception. Could only pray for God's way and timing.
3) Then connected with an India coming for study at UQ, despite he is of Hinduism faith, but he has good attitude to listen and showed a certain degree of receptiveness to the Gospel message admitting every one need repentance and salvation.
4) Then connected with Ethan again whom I met for the first time two weeks ago. He is a new convert for one year and is attending SIC. I skip the gospel message first but proceed to check for his assurance of salvation which is only at 60 % level. Since he was only waiting to meet a friend here so, I had more time to clarified his incomplete understanding about salvation by grace thru faith that no one can earn by our limited good deeds but has to 100% rely on the work of Jesus dying for us and taking our place to receive the eternal death punishment of our sins. I took the chance to chip in more basic doctrinal teachings that had caught his attention and interest even after his friend had arrived. He thanked for my sharing from the bottom of his heart and joyfully took selfie with me.
5) Then I was led to approach a dating couples of Chinese girl and local Aussie boy. They are approachable and willing to listen. Just barely have time to share the nutshell of the gospel to them when their bus arrived.
6) Then a group of school kids suddenly turned up and Johnny grabbed the chance to preach to the group and I was moved to quickly partner with him to hand out tracts to all the kids just in time when their bus arrived.
7) Then Edwin first approached an elderly lady Yang from Tsingdao , China who has migrated to Australia marrying to a local Aussie man. She originally excused not to chat as she needed to push the trolley to the collect depot. I volunteered to do it for her so that Edwin could keep on with the chat. When I returned, Johnny also joined in and found out that she is familiarized with Shaun Bao and remain on contact for devotional text. I chipped in to acknowledge I know Shaun and then took over the chat. She indicated she is from Christian family back in China. But she only attend local Aussie church sparingly. I any how test her assurance of salivation and found out that she does not know clearly the bible teaching of salvation by faith through grace but keep using personal divine healing experience as ground for her salvation status. It took a hard time to clarify it is all because of the work of Jesus dying for us.
8 ) Next was two grade 9 high school kid from China of which one is from Lanzhou蘭州by the name of Jiang江 . We quickly built rapport and he seemingly was not alerted to reject Gospel, so he behaved very open and receptive to the gospel to the extent he did not mind to have selfie with me.
9) Last but not the least, I was led to approach another elderly lady from Mainland China who has migrated to Australia for 50 years.
Pity the bus came to cut our Gospel conversation short.
View previous Sunnybank (QLD) report (15 January 2025)
Sunnybank Team (QLD)
Meets 1-3pm Wednesday afternoons at the Sunnybank bus stop on Mains Road.
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