Battle Log

Wednesday 29 January 2025

Posted by Posted 30 January 2025, 6:27 PM by Hung Kwan. Permalink

Battle Log of Operation 513 at Sunnybank on Wednesday January 29, 2025 from 1300-1500

Today is the Chinese New Year Day, or the first day of the year of snake.

歲首年終,龍去蛇來,祝願大家:At the end of the year, the dragon is gone and the snake is coming. I wish you all:

靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿子。(馬太福音10:16)Wise as serpents, innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16)

意思就是要像蛇那樣機靈敏捷,懂得按機行事,隨時應變;然而我們也要像鴿子一樣,心存善良、純潔之念。 正是「害人之心不可有,防人之心不可無」,所以,《聖經》一再提醒我們說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。This means that we need to be as shrewd and agile as snakes, knowing how to act according to circumstances and to adapt to changes at any time. However, we also need to be like doves, with good and pure intentions. It is true that “you should not have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others”, so the Bible reminds us again and again: “Be careful so that no one especially Satan may deceive you.

Edwin was occupied by family affair to take care of in law on the eve of her returning to China. So only Johnny and Hung were available. As for Hung, he hurt his back for doing over an hour of garden tidy up as such he retired earlier. But all in all, it was a good start for the Gospel outreach ministry that the team in majority keep having at least one to serve as their commitment to God in the long haul.

For the shorter time of about an hour of street outreach. Hung made following approaches: -

1) Chatted with an Australian Born Mainliner high school kid that does not speak Chinese, used Australian slang ,"fair dinkum' as gag to convey the message that we have to be perfect for admission to heaven.

2) Then connected with an Australian born Japanese girl of UQ first year. My Japanese is better than her. Also used the same fair dinkum slang.

3) Then approached a Family of 3 with a young kid migrated to Australian from Fujian. Chatted mainly with the father though using the tract as a gift of cartoon pictures to the kid first. The conversation went well and the father appeared very open and receptive to the gospel message.

4) Last but not the least I connected with a Fiji born Chinese but he could speak fluent Chinese. He is non religious but has studied Bible of both the Mormon and Biblical version. His interaction and response again is all positive.

View previous Sunnybank (QLD) report (22 January 2025)


Sunnybank Team (QLD)

Meets 1-3pm Wednesday afternoons at the Sunnybank bus stop on Mains Road.

Contact us for more information.